SNL skit under fire

by keyser soze 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    I never heard disability advocates complain about how SNL treated Bush!! Where's the heart there?

  • BizzyBee

    Watson - we are two minds with the same thought. But Baby Bush bears some of the responsibliity here - what about him giving the cognitively-challenged a bad image?

    I cringe a little when parodies are so embarrassingly close to the truth. I hope the day comes when no one, I mean NO ONE, would even think of going into politics unless they were squeaky-clean, I mean SQUEAKY-CLEAN. Then SNL would be out of business. I won't hold my breath.

  • mustang
    The spin doctors tell us it's "terrorists" causing all these global problems. Well, anyone who speaks against their government is now considered a "terrorist". ("If you are not with us, then you are a terrorist"...George W. Bush)

    Brer George is out there worried about his legacy: well, it's "he's braindead" and that won't change. Just ask the shoe-hurler of Iraq: that is what he will be remembered for.

    The First Amendment is designed to protect unpopular speech. The Governor should grow a spine.
    Add Sullivan v. NY times: PUBLIC FIGURES have to grow spines or just deal with it. Serves them right: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    Screw George [you're with us or against us; or you're a terrorist]: the laws are against him. America has a tradition of Freedom of Speech, including unpopular speech.

    And its time to say this: America is a land of critics, criticism and iconoclasts. The people that founded this country were fleeing and disagreeing with religious intolerance and tyrants (political and religious) in other countries.

    There are people that argue that this IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION; the discussion is still ongoing on that issue.

    But none of these people can argue that the founders weren't fleeing religious problems; of course, they may have come here to start and foster their own version of religious problems that someone else would take issue over.

    (My own relatives got out of France during one of the windows of time when Protestants could travel and leave the country.)

    If you are coming here to get away from butchers and thugs, OK. But bear in mind: if you are coming here to be coddled and praised and lauded for your differences, you got very badly misinformed.

    Somebody will very likely take your different and possibly strange viewpoints to task. Americans have evolved tolerance AND criticism to a mutual level of coexistence that may not have been seen elsewhere.

    I have heard it argued that Americans are "rude" and "ill-mannered". That may really be true, relative to a country that may have rules that prohibit speaking out against the church or the government. If you can't look at yourself with the same jaundiced view that the next person may, you are going to have problems in this country.


  • oompa

    I LOVED it!...lmao...everyone should be able to laugh at Pres. Ford was old and fell down a lot!....go Chevy!....Ford took it well...................oompa

  • Smoky


    The funniest part was he wondered in front of the camera while on the phone asking for "$50 woth of circus tickets" hilarious!!!

  • gymbob

    I don't think the gov was worried about the disability jokes as much as he was not liking the comments about, "A governor who loves Cocaine". Gymbob

  • Rabbit

    I saw it and I saw no humor what-so-ever. My sweet wife is legally blind, so, maybe folks can understand why I just don't find that -- to be funny. To be fair, she's much more likely to laugh at her own disability than I am.

    Good-natured ribbing is one thing -- making legal blindness or blindness appearing to make someone 'stupid' -- is an entirely different matter. BTW, Gov. Patterson is legally blind, not blind in the way most people believe. Legal Blindness begins when a person's sight is 20/200, my wife's vision is twice as bad, but, she functions well. Small details are very difficult.

    Google 'legal' blindness and see if you find anything humorous. Look up some other disabilities while you're there. I think it's safe to say if you or someone you know have one of those life-changing afflictions -- you won't see the 'humor' either.

    "You" not directed at any individual.

  • lrkr

    I saw it and thought at the time that it was a bit insensitive.

    But after all- that's SNL's specialty - it would be prime time if it wasn't insensitive.

  • leavingwt

    Turn. The. Channel.

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