I'm p*ssed and have no one to choke!!

by QuestioningEverything 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • QuestioningEverything

    No-Just kidding. I'm not the violent type of person. But I am so angry at the WTBS for all of the bullsh** that I was taught over my lifetime-it's making me sick to my stomach. How dare they separate families, prevent necessary medical treatments, change their doctrines because the light got brighter, blah, blah, blah.....

    The more research I do, the more angry I become but I can't quit researching. I want to know every lie they've ever told and every policy they've ever changed. I just want to scream everytime my mom starts to tell me about some one at the Hall who was DF'd or has stopped attending or of some new wonderful arrangement that the GB made with the members in mind. What a bunch of crap!! She and so many others believe it 199%.

    So, I say all this because I need help. Many of you have gone through this or are going through it now. I can truly see myself picketing Bethel one day and going on talk shows to expose the real 'truth' to others. I'm not ready for that phase of life yet-but almost. So, in the meantime, I have to get these negative feelings under control. It goes against everything that I strive to be in my life. Please help me with some suggestions on how to accomplish this. Thanks for listening.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    QE (Dec 08):

    So, I say all this because I need help. Many of you have gone through this or are going through it now. I can truly see myself picketing Bethel one day and going on talk shows to expose the real 'truth' to others. I'm not ready for that phase of life yet-but almost. So, in the meantime, I have to get these negative feelings under control. It goes against everything that I strive to be in my life. Please help me with some suggestions on how to accomplish this. Thanks for listening.

    **sigh** I do understand. I am just a couple of years older than your posted age. You may be angry now. In time that anger may dissipate.... it has with me.

    Picketing Bethel (or any WT facility or KH) doesn't do any good and only "proves" to current JWs that indeed, we apostates are crazy. Same with talk shows. The "real truth" about JW is so uninteresting to the masses that the talk shows target as to not be worth the time to do a show. Think about it. Out of 330 million people in the US, only 1 million (< 1%) are JW..and of those, how many are child publishers unlikely to watch talk shows? and of the adults, how many would actually watch "apostates" "attack" their beloved organization. In the real world, JWs are barely a blip on the radar of the average individual on the street.

    Information is power. The average rank and file JW publisher has no real information. Just lots of made-up knowledge controlled by an exclusive group of men (the Governing Body) and their agents (Legal, Service, Writing). The cult is powerful. Back in June when you first started posting, you made an interesting comment:

    QE (June 08):

    I am not bitter and have no desire to bash or bad mouth them. Not all of my upbringing or experiences were bad . But I know that others were traumatized by how things were/are and feel terrible for them that they have to deal with that.

    You seem to have moved on to another stage of grief in the intervening 6 months since you wrote that... When a person dies, there are stages of grief that we go through. 1) shock and denial. 2) Pain and guilt 3) anger and bargaining 4) depression, reflection and loneliness, 5) upward turn 6) reconstruction and working through and 7) acceptance and hope. (the Kubler-Ross model is Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance)

    When we leave the WT organization, we go through similar levels of grief. When we find out that we have been lied to all of our lives, we are shocked. We don't want to believe that our "Mother" (the Organization) would ever lie to us. But lie they do. They may not be directly sitting there in Brooklyn rubbing their hands deviously cackling as they come up with ways to screw the average witness.... their lies are more Institutional, ingrained over multiple generations. Even the GB is drinking the kool-aid. It's just the GB is more culpable. We at first deny it, try to go on with the JW routine (meetings, service, study), pretending we dont know what we know in our mind (if not our heart) is really true.

    we finally get through that first stage....then we start experiencing pain... heartache really....at the loss of our innocence, the shattering of our Paradise ideal. Even as we start to miss more and more meetings...then field service...we experience guilt...guilt for missing those activities....guilt for "turning our backs on Jehovah" and our so-called friends.

    Pain and guilt give way to anger...that appears to be where you are at right now. The fact that your husband still goes to the Memorial is a form of Bargaining. (I do not sit here and judge why he still goes). Maybe it is routine. Maybe it is to hold out hope that he will hear something that night that will make it all better and he can go again...maybe its for family...the reasons are as numerous as there are people who go. Give yourself time. You said this:

    The more research I do, the more angry I become but I can't quit researching. I want to know every lie they've ever told and every policy they've ever changed

    Again, I truly understand this "need to know." I was a very heavy researcher as a former elder...and not always in WT-approved sources..(thus my reason for leaving).... but if the end result of researching is anger....then it is doing only one thing...messing with your emotions. You have been on this site 6 months....it might be time to give the research a rest. The research resources are not going to go away. The internet is not going to dry up and blow away. Somewhere, some ex-JW has archived all of the WT lies for all time. I would advise you quit researching for now and find something enjoyable to do with your newfound freedom.

    In your first post on this board, you mention college. GO BACK TO SCHOOL... I did...and it has gotten me through a lot of tough times as I progress from close minded (former) elder to open minded, less judgmental human being and college student. My first college class a few years ago was Ethics...that opened my mind...one of my last classes from my first degree was Psychology...and that sealed the deal on the WT for me.... took a couple more years to actually leave.

    One more thing on anger....as you said in your June post...some may never get past the anger because of being traumatized.....losing a loved one to the blood issue, having a friend or family member (or they themselves) suffer at the hand of a JW-sanctioned pedophile.... you dont ever "get over" that... you just try to heal the best you can.... that doesnt seem to be the case for you..so you will probably be able to move past Stage 3 anger....

    I am at #4...the loneliness... you have your husband and he is basically out too... but the depression will rear its ugly head at times... I have been told this over and over...get out and see people... thats what school is about for me... and coming to this board... though this board is never a replacement for meeting people in the flesh (and I have met some great people from this board in real life and have been helped tremendously) ...but am moving to the reflection stage after 15 months since my last meeting.... its a better place to be. Take the good you recieved from the organization and leave the rest behind in the rubbish heap called the WT.

    5, 6, and 7 are pretty self-explanatory..but since I havent gotten there myself, its harder for me to describe.... but just the fact that others have gotten that far is hope enough for me.

    As often is the case, I am long-winded (or should I say... "long-posting") to no ones surprise on this forum...

    have a great holiday....and enjoy the greatest gift: FREEDOM

    Snakes ()

    ps...feel free to PM me if you or your husband have need to talk.... as if my post wasnt long enough

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Look if you feel like choking someone I'm here for you....choke me!......I want to picket Bethel too one day when my mum goes to anointed heaven.

  • Farkel


    :Please help me with some suggestions on how to accomplish this.

    First, thank your lucky stars that you are living in a time that is unprecedented for the Watchtower organization. When I was in, the ONLY access we had to the "truth" about the truth was a book called "30 Years a Watchtower Slave" by William Schnell. We were told it was the most demonized book on the planet and were afraid to even look at the cover of the book, let alone read it. In those days, the WTS had such tight control on information, scandals and revisionist history that it took incredible effort to do any research and ferret out any facts that would show the religion in its true light.

    There were no support groups. There was no serious negative publicity about the organization in the media. The WTS was free to spin anything and no one to seriously challenge that spin.

    Today is a different world. Type "Jehovah's Witnesses" in Google and you will have thousands and thousands of links that can tell you everything you need to know about the religion. Media exposure of WT scandals and heinous practices are becoming common place, and each year thousands of people are joining in a sort of crusade to expose the WT for the corrupt religion it is.

    That being said, you need do nothing if you wish. There are too many other people involved to stop the momentum being generated.

    If you do want to do something, I suggest you first take a deep breath and take some time to truly understand what you are dealing with, and in doing so you hopefully will have a more compassionate view of things.

    Here is an analogy to illustrate what I mean. Let's say you escaped from a concentration camp, but before you did, your fellow prisoners begged you not to try it. They believed you would suffer greatly by trying to escape. Is it not true that they sincerely believed they were trying to help you avoid making a big mistake? Would you want to blame them for begging you to stay in the camp?

    The guards in the camp routinely do horrible things to the prisoners and it doesn't seem to bother them. Were they that cold and callous when they first arrived at the camp? Probably not. The first few times they did horrible things, they were probably bothered by it, but as time went on, they became less and less bothered until they reached a point where they weren't bothered at all and believed they were doing something good, doing something for the common good of mankind.

    The elders and COs, etc are not really much different than those guards in the concentration camps. The Governing Body is not much different from Adolph Hitler, who had convinced himself he was not evil at all, but doing something good that would benefit the majority of mankind.

    As Ray Franz has said, they were all "victims of victims."

    But Hitler lost the war, didn't he? How did he lose the war? One of the major mistakes he did was to not listen to the best and brightest of his Generals. In fact, he fired them and chose to conduct the war himself, to his own disaster.

    What has the Watchtower Society done. They have "fired" or driven away their own best and brightest brothers all the way from top leadership to elders to the rank and file. As a result they have driven themselves into an intellectual and ethical vacuum, and this is already resulting in their own disaster.

    How should you feel about rank and file JWs that refuse to leave the organization and even defend the hideous doctrines and Watchtower policies? Look up "Stockholm Syndrome" in Google and you will get some clues why JWs continue to stay in and continue to be miserable.

    JWs live in pain and they live in fear. Yet they still stay in that situation. Some will eventually wise up, and some will never wise up.

    You can't save everyone. If you can only help ONE JW get out, you will have done a great service because you will have saved a live from a religious concentration camp. And if that ONE JW helps only ONE other JW get out, that is two souls you've helped. It can snowball.

    A few years ago, I helped one gung ho, full time pioneer get out. His handle was "Pioneer For Life." He contacted me about a year ago and told me as a result of his leaving, his entire family left and they helped out several other families. More than a dozen people are now free of Watchtower bondage because of just one soul getting free.

    I hope you can see from this that it doesn't take much to make a huge difference in people's lives, but you also have to realize there are people you can never help, no matter how hard you try. You will be very frustrated if you don't stay practical in your expectations.

    Good Luck!


  • oompa
    ???everything: The more research I do, the more angry I become but I can't quit researching.

    you sound a bit obsessed.....well me too and you have now joined a very special club. I was 45 when I woke up....but was only horribly sad and depressed for the first year and half...then I was very angry and would not shut up telling my friends and family this was all bullsh!t...now i am just a bit angry and am more skilled and careful expressing my new found truth...after all, we are not supposed to "hide our lamp under a basket"...gotta let it shine.

    I was on a ton of meds for two years and that did not work...but therapy has helped some....i recommend it.....i hate all the regrets....so many now feel like wasted years.......we gotta just let it go or it will eat you up.

    oh and i found this place two weeks after i woke up....and it has been a HUGE help...my first posts here were under Coaster if you want to see somebody really messed up....i had to change name because wife and my elder/dad found out i was here and TURNED ME IN TO THE ELDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......post often and vent....it helps let go

    even my therapist told my wife that i NEEDED A SUPPORT GROUP!....and that an online one was a good idea....and that losing ones faith is a huge event in ones life and that helped my wife stop saying i was just mental and need those meds...................good luck friend................oompa

  • Finally-Free

    When I first started researching I became obsessed with it. I obsessed about it day and night for months until I became physically ill from the stress. For the sake of your health, force yourself to take some time off from the research, and focus on enjoying your freedom. Spend time doing things you enjoy.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    QE it sounds like you found your own personal integrity, I found mine back in the early 80's and in those days there was no inter-net to gather up any

    information , in other words I flew on my own instincts, all to realize now my instincts were correct.

    I can certainly understand the shock that people are going through particular when folks start to do some research on the Net on the only true religion.

    In reality the WTS. is a old corporate and corrupt Publishing House that was really established on pretentious and false information with the sole purpose to put power into a few men.

    Also when examining its roots it was also a commercial opportunity that brought notoriety to its founders.

  • RR
    I'm p*ssed and have no one to choke!!

    ah, go choke a chicken!

  • Farkel


    Nah! First, it doesn't make you feel any better and second, the chicken hates it!


  • QuestioningEverything

    Thank you everyone. Your insight has put given me some perspective on a very frustrating situation.

    Snakes: You are right about the picketing/TV. They would just say 'see we told you those apostates are crazy!' And my feelings have changed since I first started posting. It is like grieving over the death of a loved one but in my case it feels like the death of a husband and I find out that he has a family hidden across town who showed up for the funeral!

    I know time will ease some of the frustration. My upbringing wasn't nearly as bad as some-my hubby's for instance. He and I decided we will not go to the Memorial this upcoming year. I may have to lighten up on the research for a bit. It is having a negative effect on me, that's for sure.

    Witness 007-Couldn't choke you, you are not the party responsible for this mess. Plus, I'm terrified of jail!! Don't want to become somebody named Irma's B*tch. lol.

    Farkel-I am grateful that I have the real 'truth'. I only wish it had been sooner so I could have enjoyed some of my life. And I am very grateful for websites like this and people like you all who've helped me. It has been a wonderful resource.

    Oompa-I believe I am obsessed. And thanks for letting me in your special club!! I am going to start therapy after the new year. Figure I will make a fresh start in 2009 for me and my family. Sorry about your family turning you in. I'm sure they thought they were helping you stay away from spiritual dangers. Damn Internet-get's all kinds of people in trouble.

    Thanks again.

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