2008 Annual Report on web

by Dogpatch 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    9,986 partakers after 9,105 last year? That's the biggest single-year increase since... well, ever.

    Will they ever figure out that the 144,000 are figurative, like the rest of Revelation?


  • stillajwexelder

    that is an incredible read - yes, the memorial partakers growing 10% is MAJOR

  • lrkr

    I disagree that they are dishonest with figures. They are fastidious about reporting them.

    However the system they use counts "peak" publishers that reported in any one month. If a publisher does not report for 6 months and then turns in all of his time for 6 months in one month that counts as 6 publishers (to make up for the other times when he counted as 0 publishers). So, if you create a push in one month for all of the Secretarys to "catch up" and get all of the outstanding time reports- the result is an artificially high number.

    (If you want to call that dishonest- OK- but I dont think someone sits there and says- lets bump the number up 10,000, he he he)

    We dont need to get into the discussion of how ridiculous the system of counting hours in the ministry is in the first place. Why not count hours that you loved your children? Or took care of the needy? Or did your job? or took care of your family? Such an artificial control mechanism to measure what should be a heart reaction.

  • passwordprotected

    It isn't a surprise that there are now almost 10k memorial partakers. It's fantastic news. I now of one local elder whose head will be spinning after he reads that news. His big 'how close are we to armageddon' barometer was the declining memorial partakers.

    I guarantee you this will wake up a few more JWs.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Well, I think we all expected 10k partakers... But I will take 9986.... close enough that the point is made... although the BOE's will likely be told to make sure that the person really is anointed for next year... I wonder if this includes Brenda Lee... she posted a vid of her partaking, lol

  • yknot

    Thank You Randy and to your source!

    The numbers are 'dishonest'........ but I and others are to blame mostly. I haven't done a lick of honest FS/RV/Study since the late 90's.

    I used to love the 'preaching' work but I can't do push what I don't believe to be the 'Best Way of Life'. If it weren't a 'requirement' to turn in numbers I wouldn't but since it is and I want to keep my family...... numbers are turned in faithfully each month.

  • passwordprotected

    Can someone work out how long, on average, it took to make one convert in 2008?

  • Fadeout
    Can someone work out how long, on average, it took to make one convert in 2008?

    I've got it all set up in Excel... all I have to do is plug in the numbers every year. 5,139 preaching hours per baptism, up from 4,800 last year. To put it in perspective, the most effective preaching was done in 1951 when only 995 hours would garner one baptism. In the near-hysteria of 1974 it took just 1,246 hours. In the disappointment that followed, nonresponsiveness was at an all-time high... 1978 required 3,233 hours per baptism. While this year's figures underscore the ineffectiveness of the JW's preaching, we did not beat out the record set in 2006 of 5,372 hours per baptism. Another interesting ratio to observe is the Bible Studies per baptism. Back in 1949 the Witnesses had one baptism per 3.9 studies-- an excellent closing ratio. Now it's one per 24.6. Interestingly, we see the continuation of a four-year uptrend in the mean number of hours per publisher-- 218 hours per year, up from 200 per year in 2005. The all-time high was 238.9 in 1992, and the low was 147.3 in 1978 (a dismal year for the WT by any standard). 2008 marks the third consecutive year the memorial partakers have increased at a greater rate than the non-partakers. Apostates worldwide snicker. Worldwide, there were 8,626 fewer baptisms than last year. This despite spending over 50 million more hours in preaching than last year. While the numbers show a net gain of 2.1% in publishers, that's down from 3.1% last year... a difference of over 62,000 people. Conclusions? Growth continues at roughly the same pace, but a number of indicators imply that growth is getting harder to come by and may slow severely very soon. The most strikingly obvious fact is the shocking inefficiency of the preaching work which amazingly gets even less effective each year. I just got a new more advanced statistical program... I'll have to play around with that and see if any revelations jump out.

  • WTWizard

    124,444 counts of criminal fraud against the Washtowel Slaveholdery? I wonder how much jail time that will result in for those hounders that turned in fake time slips, hounded publishers to turn in fake time slips, who put in fake numbers, or that made up reports for those who didn't have a time slip turned in on their behalf.

    I say that there are less than 2 million honest publishers that are actually going out because they sincerely believe the Washtowel, another 4 million that are being coerced into going out, and the remainder are fake reports. (I suggest another 4 million criminal extortion charges against the Washtowel).

  • justhuman

    Interesting report...the WT is dicreasing..there is no increase at all. Boy after the change of the "heavenly door" more and more JW's are becoming "annointed"...The Gb knows to slip from their past doctrines that have no Biblical ground...

    I have made a reasearch from the years 1996-2005 in this subject with the following outcome:

    a)In 1996 WT shows peak publishers of 5,167,258

    b)From 1996-2005 we had a total of baptisms 2,967,901 almost 3 millions got baptized

    c) Also in 1996 JW's reported 4,855,030 bible studies. Since the WT reports only the publishers end not the Baptized JW's, from the Bible studies we have a big number that they were JW's children. I would say, having in mind my cong that 20% of the bible studies are JW's children. So the 20% of the 5,167,258 is about 4,320,000 baptized JW's. So if we add the number of the baptized publishers in 1996, and the number of those that got baptized from 1996-2005, we have the total number of 8,784,000 puplishers in 2005 adding and the 20% of the unbaptized JW's .

    d) But we must also have in mind that from 1996-2005 we had an increase in the Bible studies from 4,855,030 in 1996 to 6,061,046 in 2005. So we have 1,200,000 more bible studies, and a huge number of them supposed to get baptized. (The rate of 1% dead it is balanced with the rates of birth, although this is not and the most correct calculation)

    Conclusion:In the year 2005 JW's should be more that 10 Millions world wide. But in 2008 they have around 7 millions. So were do all those people go???

    The WT to be more correct in their figures they should report every year the number of the:

    1.Total Publishers

    2.Number of unbaptized publishers

    3.Number of baptized ones

    4.Number of disfellowshiped ones

    5.Number of innactive ones

    But for sure this is a joke since WT is hidding the actual figures because they really scare to show the dicrease they have to the remaining faithfull JW's. The increase of the WT is a plasmatic and not real, having in mind the earths expanding rate births and population

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