Meeting for baptized brothers only???

by cinnamon1642 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    BTW, what would happen if a baptized brother was not at that meeting or had to go to work right afterwards or just didn't care to go? Not sure - I think it would be frowned on in strict halls and merely viewed as "well he has made is choice and not reaching out" in the more liberal halls

  • treadnh2o

    "BTW, what would happen if a baptized brother was not at that meeting or had to go to work right afterwards or just didn't care to go?"

    Blondie, I'll let you know. Thats if I didn't miss it already.

  • blondie

    Thinking back on this, the WTS has done this before about 8 to 10 years ago. My hubbie was just made an MS. Of course, all us women thought the end was coming, haha.

    I can believe that many men are not "reaching out." They have had to import elders from other states in this area. Not always because there are no elders but none with the caliber the WTS wants to be POs, company men.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    It would be ironic in the local area. Many brothers have been removed for rather trivial things. Now they want to recruit? Good Luck... Losers!

    B the X

  • loosie
    Those lowly baptized sisters need not come for this special talk, estrogen weakens the holy spirit

    Maybe the estrogen makes one ask too many questions that the testosterone laden fellows don't want to answer.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I think this is one of those penis measuring meetings to see who has the capability to become an elder or a POs

    This religion like so many others has the propensity to demean woman to the lowest of levels.

  • carla

    Is this the first of its kind? I ask because when my jw was first studying they told him not to come one meeting, he wasn't needed or it was just for 'members'. Sorry, it's all I can remember because I wasn't up on jwisms at the time.

  • IP_SEC
    And yes baptism and a penis are the only requirements

    So Joehover is cool with men having one or fewer nutz now?

  • Blueblades

    Another pep talk on the needs of the society. It's like a local needs part, only it's more expansive. We need you brothers to do more. To take the lead, set examples, When you take the lead, what happens? Others will follow!

    Nothing new here. They need workers. The ones that are carrying the load are getting exhaustedand dropping out. There are not enough workers. Do more is the mantra!


  • undercover

    Maybe they want to "incite to fine works" those baptized brothers that aren't doing enough. Invite them into the same room as elders and MSs and it can put a little pressure on them when the speaker talks about "those who are here but aren't being used". Nothing like a little peer pressure to coax a cult member to action...

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