entitled or not entitled to know the truth, but still lie to both?

by asilentone 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • asilentone

    Most of us know what Thecoratic Warfare Strategy is all about. It teaches it is okay to tell a 'lie' to those not entitled to know the truth, but do you think it helps JW to lie to other JWs even though they are entitled to know the truth?. I am looking forward to get some interesting answers.

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    It completely depends upon the individuals. If I was too hung over to work in service with an Elder that I had made arrangements with; I had no qualms about feigning food poisoning. The funny part about that is that if I devoted enough imagination and time to the matter, I could fabricate a plausible sounding Scriptural justification.

    In actuality, any group promoting any fantastical silliness can dig through the Bible and construct justifications for those ideas. The Bible is very handy that way.

  • jaguarbass

    it is okay to tell a 'lie' to those not entitled to know the truth

    That's the way of the world as I see it. There is us and them and they are not entitled to know what we know.

    Lies make the world go round,

    "The check is in the mail."

    Everybody lies. I dont like it but that's a fact.

    Some people lie more than others but when push comes to shove dont expect to hear the truth or you will be considered gullible.

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