Lets pour out a lil thanksgiving liquor for those working at Bethel

by darth frosty 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Holidays was the worst time in the world when I was at Bethel. I never realized how important they were till I was at bethel and forced to work the holidays.

    Before I went to bethel I wouldn't mind working the holidays because typically it meant double or triple time pay. But at bethel when the reality set in that hey we dont recognize holidays and its just like any other day, well that was depressing. So there fore the one time I would get to watch my lions football (now mind you this was during barry's prime) I was at the factory working. I wont even get into christmas and new years day with all the college bowl games.

    So to all those at bethel working for some Bullshyt publishing company this ones for you.


  • LouBelle

    I've already had 4 glasses of wine. Time to drink water now, you know, for the kidneys.

  • cognac

    Wow, four glasses! What time is it where you are Lou?

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Thanks for giving me a reason. Cheers!

  • LouBelle

    Cognac, i'm 6-10 hours ahead of you guys.

  • MochaLatte


    I'm with you on that, I hated holidays while at Bethel. All my friends in the local cong were planning to do fun stuff and I had to work. It sucked. One of my first jobs after 10 years of no holidays off was at a bank. That was really nice with the bank holidays and all. I couldn't believe I was being paid to stay home. Now I just enjoy every day off I get. On the flip side I never drank as much as I did when I was at Bethel. We didn't need a holiday for that! CHEERS!


  • room23043

    We always had turkey around this time of the year at Bethel with all of the fixings. But us Michigan boys did miss the Lions, Bears, Packers, Browns, Colts and the New Football Teams of the AFC...Bethel sure was a place for work and no play...So what did I do after leaving but go into broadcasting and continue to work thanksgiving, xmas, new years, july 4, even labor day...I like many fell away and only a few return what did I go and do but return a couple of years ago...But Cheers always to the boys of Bethel...I was a member of the family back in the early 60's...Sunday after the meeting is the time I found the hardest to be at Bethel. All of my friends were at another places in the city and Bethel can be cold without your friends...To all I wish you the best as we continue the good life....Living High in building 124 in room 23043...

  • asilentone

    Welcome to the board, Room 23043

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    hey I thought no new members. Did something change

  • asilentone

    He joined on August 1 this year, not recently.

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