Prince Is In BIG Trouble With Gays!

by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • J-ex-W
    Prince's mother was a JW.

    Are you sure? I've never heard that.

    Prince is bisexual--no doubt about that. Unrelated to that, he is also a "megalomaniac" [old term for narcissist], by his own admission in Rolling Stone Magazine. He's what's known as a 'somatic narcissist,' the kind who overfocuses on bodily pleasures/ extremes/ vanity/ hubris. He is not the 'cerebral' kind, so even though he's a musical genius, his narcissism plays out more in sensual than cerebral ways. --I've done a lot of reading on the personality disorder. Sam Vaknin has been a huge souce on the subject.

  • shamus100

    I don't think that Prince is a no-talent idiot. He is a musical genius. Way ahead of his time.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Prince is an musical illusionist with high heels.

  • hillbilly

    being able to slaughter 8 notes over 8 octaves with electronics is not a genius... sorry.

    just a 3 cord wonder...did I mention the freak aspect yet?


  • Hope4Others

    After his comment I think we could see this coming...


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Wasn't there a Prince video where he actually kisses a guy dressed in drag? I think it was for Kiss.

  • leavingwt
    How in hell did someone who seems fairly intelligent and super talented get involved with the JWs??

    Intelligent people join cults all the time. Here is what Rick Ross has to say about that...

    It seems to me that these notions are usually an expression of ignorance, foolish and perhaps a form of denial. That is--such notions make us feel comfortable in the seeming security that cult members are "them" and could never be "us". Before conducting my research such notions about cultists seemed reasonable to me. However, this issue touched my personal life when a close friend, who was a healthy and well-balanced person, became involved with a cult. There is a body of research regarding the cult recruitment process. It is important to review and discuss the tactics of cult leaders and their proselytizing in an effort to explain and how intelligent psychologically healthy people--can be persuaded to join a destructive cult.


    Again and again in my research I have encountered the same phrase: No one joins a cult, rather people are recruited. Philip Zimbardo explains, "People join interesting groups that promise to fulfill their pressing needs. They become cults when they are seen as deceptive, defective, dangerous, or as opposing basic values of their society" (Zimbardo 1998). The fact is, the recruitment techniques that cults employ are quite effective. An explanation of these techniques will follow later in the paper. Cults obviously want to be successful, so they seek to recruit the most capable people who can effectively serve them. Many cult members are doctors, lawyers, professors, and high profile celebrities--responsible citizens. This is why some cults have survived for decades and functioned efficiently despite a high turnover rate, public disapproval and angry parents. People often believe cult members must have been neglected by their families. But this conclusion is in sharp contrast to the actions taken by many concerned families who will devote their money and time in intervention efforts to bring their children out of such groups and home again.

  • minimus

    check out dogpatch's thread.

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