do you still want to live forever?

by sleepy 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    Would love to live forever - or some reasonable facsimile!

    And no great danger of ever getting to know everything. I find the older I get the more I realize that there is so much to learn. There will always be marvelous things to do. And even if I was living in the Afghani mountains in a tent, there would be the challenge of hiking out of there over those ridges, or working my way down into the city to help the new government rebuild my country.

    No, living forever doesn't scare me - lately I have been thinking that my greatest fear is that I will die before ever fully realizing anything close to my potential.


  • gumby

    Totally blows me away! Out of all the posts made on this subject coming from people who have at least known the bible somewhat not any make any comments made as to what the bible say's about eternity and being with the lord with Bodies that are not like the ones we have and how nice it will be. What's with this?????????

  • garybuss

    I'd like to live a real life in an objective world and die a human death. The idea of immortality of some sort has given people the justification, motivation and courage to do some incredibly irrational things against their own best interests. I'd much rather meet you coming down the highway at me in your car knowing you are a rational, objective, realistic humanist than wondering if you are a magical thinking theist living out some delusion.

    Just my knee jerk reaction to the idea of immortality. :-)

    Happy week everybody . . .


  • RR

    Gumby, the question was about living forever, those who live with Christ are immortal. Sure I wantto be with the Lord, that is what I am striving for. I will awake in his likeness ... what a beautiful thought!

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • Undecided

    Good question,

    I'm probably the oldest poster here, 66 in two months, and I can see that life is going to lose it's luster for me pretty soon. I can feel old age in my bones, when I walk up steps, jump a few feet off the porch or crawl around in the attic. I know in a very few years life will be over, at least the enjoyable part and I hope I die without too much trouble for my family. If I could stay young I would enjoy living forever, but who would know for sure. I will just go on the best I can and see what happens.

    Ken P.

  • c5

    I still have the desire to live forever. I may one of the few who was content with the idea of gardening for eternity!

    Despite the hard times life presents me at times, I still wish it could go on forever. Dying does not scare me, but death does depress me. I believe that there will be some sort of afterlife for me, but I still wish I could spend more time here as I am now.

  • Siddhashunyata

    Living forever in the moment is not the same as living forever out of the moment, which is the way we now live

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Sid said, "Living forever in the moment is not the same as living forever out of the moment, which is the way we now live"

    Having walked near the border between life & death pretty recently, I find myself inclined to this way of thinking even more than before. This moment is all you really have. The past is just stored information and the future doesn't exist. All you have is this moment in time, and it too will pass.

    Why worry about how many times the ticker will tick before it quits?

    I'm grabbing folks and kissing 'em right now, trying to feel and do and be one precious moment at a time. Death doesn't scare me any more. I do feel regret that I am entirely unable to deflect whatever grief may passing my bring to those who love and rely on me. But that grief will be part of their lives, not mine. Meanwhile, there are babies to kiss, experiences to share, things to learn. That's quite enough for me.

    'Forever'? That exists in the recurring cycles of the universe. One of those cycles includes death. Without death, life can't exist. Why should I want more than my share? Let some dimpled precious babydumpling come along someday, and its parents will say "Doesn't she have Auntie Lynn's funny bumpy head though?" and that will be my immortality.

  • Abaddon

    Interesting thread.

    Personally speaking, I think being alive is quite cool. I see no point where I would change that opinion provided I had reasonable health. I wouldn't get bored, trust me on this. I love doing nothing, it's my favourate recreational activity, so when everything else got dull, I'd just enjoy doing nothing for a few decades until I felt like doing something.

    So, yeah, if in the rest of my natural lifespan they develop technology that will extend that, I'd go for it.

    Having said that, death is a natural process, just one that sucks a lot as it can remove you from those you love. I can't be afraid of it. there's no point. I just don't like it.

    I'm 36 on Sunday. My Dad is very young for his age, passing as a 60, 65 year-old despite being in his late seventies. I seem to have his genes for this, as far as I can tell at this point, which is great as it means I've got more than I've hads left.

    But both my Dad and my Mom are getting frailer, and I hate it. It's clear they won't always be here. I wonder sometimes whether this reflection, and my liking of the idea of living forever is an echo of my past as a Dub. After all, when I grew up, I didn't believe me or my family or my friends would ever die.

    But, there is now nothing there that will make me think ickle baby Jesus will make us live again in the spirit, or that we'll be resurrected, or re-born, which is a pity really. I especially like the idea of reincarnation. It seems to make sense somehow.

    So, I'd choose to live forever like a shot, and would especially prefer it if I could do so in the company of family and friends. Yup, that is an echo of being a Dub... anyone else think that?

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • proplog2

    I don't need everlasting life. I would just like to be able die when I am ready and when I've finished some important projects.

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