Who's best James Bond for you? And favourite bond movie or moment?

by Witness 007 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kzjw

    Connery was 1st born-2-play Bond, then Brosnan after that I'd have to rank them as follows;

    Moore, for an attempt at the tradition - but he never did his own stunts, therefore he ranks as the wimpiest Bond.

    Craig, Though the Bourne ultimatium reference makes me deduct poiints, but you gotta love the intensity!

    Dalton, speaking of intensity, he seemed to display too much rage, no cool factor!

    The other guy...lost after Connery made the mold...

  • Latte

    I love Roger Moore and then.... Sean Connery.

    I truly believe that one day 007 along with 'M' will save the world! JW's need to seriously consider this, as 'blob' has done nuffin' yet...lol

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Seems we agree Connery was great......Roger Moore was funny and brillant.....Peirce Brosnan was born to be Bond but Timothy Dalton I could never get into....and George Lazmby {Her majesties Secret service} the only Aussie Bond was not that good either......remember years later I think 1983 when Connery came back as an older Bond in :"Never say never again."

  • leavingwt
    remember years later I think 1983 when Connery came back as an older Bond in :"Never say never again."

    Yes, this was actually a re-make of 'Thunderball'.

  • UnConfused

    The very best was License to Kill, that one was terrific. The ones from the 70's were so weird, like the 70's....

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