High MILFNESS factor or other for Sarah Palin

by stillajwexelder 24 Replies latest social current

  • FlyingHighNow

    Beks, I am showing Greer as an example of handsome beauty. These fellas are calling Sarah beautiful. I am saying she is handsome and showing them examples of handsome women. I find Sarah Palin's campaign decorum offensive. But I can acknowledge some good things about her. I don't think she's all bad. I definitely don't think she is presidential material though. I am hoping she will get a clue about her behavior and tone it down a bit.

  • beksbks

    Here is old Sarah in her natural habitat, without the thousands of dollars makeup and hairdo. And with that gawd awful screech. Come on boys, get a grip here, is this really want you want to DO????

  • FlyingHighNow

    Beks, do you have a pic?

  • Highlander

    You really lost me with the handsome woman description. Men are quite simple, you're either hot, or your not. Sarah Palin is hot. I typically don't chase after the older woman, however palin is a Mother I'd Like to F.

    Maybe this would fit the description of a handsome woman.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Maybe this would fit the description of a handsome woman.

    That's why I posted the examples of handsome women. Hot has nothing to do with beauty.

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