Death of JW ideology - Soon?

by excito-are 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Jehovah's Witnesses aren't going anywhere. There will always be sects like this, and this one will continue. Perhaps not in the same form but it will continue despite our experiences with it.

  • 144001

    I agree with Tex. The Watchtower society is an incredible business model. As P.T. Barnum said, "there's one born every minute . . ."

  • halcyon

    As long as there are desperate world conditions to point to, there will be people out there fearful of what's happening who will respond to those who claim to have answers. It's the learning process that's the real trap. You come to the message thinking there's deep thought behind it, then as you gradually learn, your research options are gradually closed up, until after baptism when what ends up keeping you in your seats is fear: fear of being kicked out (after all, you've already given up so much, gone through fire with your relatives, etc); and fear of "what if they're right? The world certainly does look bad .... "

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Ok, so I see I am definitely in the minority here...but I still believe THE END IS NIGH for the Tower despite all ye naysayers! Even mainstream religions are taking part in the exposing of the cult and its revisionist history so knowledge of its negative aspects is increasing.

    The head honchos seem to be scrambling pretty bad already, what with donations down and soon to trickle dry in light of the current economic outlook WORLDWIDE. No charity to even its own members will look increasingly negative in view of the efforts even governments are currently undertaking to minimize the pain caused by the financial meltdown...More and more people are waking up to the dichotomy that is the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society...

    They are a doomsday cult and if doomsday does not arrive before 2014, their very reason for existence will be moot. Hope I live long enough to see it!

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