Headline: "Iraq War Ends" - New York Times

by PrimateDave 10 Replies latest social current

  • PrimateDave

    The New York Times Saturday, July 4, 2009

    Troops to Return Immediately
    WASHINGTON — Operation
    Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring
    Freedom were brought to
    an unceremonious close today
    with a quiet announcement by the
    Department of Defense that troops
    would be home within weeks.

    “This is the best face we can put
    on the most unfortunate adventure
    in modern American history,”
    Defense spokesman Kevin Sites
    said at a special joint session of
    Congress. “Today, we can finally
    enjoy peace — not the peace of
    the brave, perhaps, but at least

    Complete article available here

    Other front page news:
    "Nation Sets Its Sights on Building Sane Economy"
    "Maximum Wage Law Succeeds: Salary Caps Will Help Stabilize Economy"
    "USA Patriot Act Repealed"
    "Gitmo, Other Centers Closed"
    "Bush to Face Charges"

    Get the complete PDF here.


    P.S. Please note that this New York Times is a spoof. As good as it may make you feel to read the articles in it, in reality nothing has changed...

  • LovesDubs

    Well it says 2009 so thats a clue :) The war will end...Im thinking fairly quickly. We need to cut our losses and get the hell out of there. But we do need to continue to help them rebuild. There will always be militant factions over there overthrowing the governments no matter what we try to set up. The minute we stop spinning the plates over there, it will fall. Getting rid of Saddam was the only good thing that came of all those US deaths.

  • IP_SEC

    Much as I hate it that the US is in Iraq, Im sorry to say I dont think this will be over any time soon. New prez or not.

  • IP_SEC
    Getting rid of Saddam was the only good thing that came of all those US deaths.

    The US government should not be in the business of 'getting rid' of anyone by using the military. If the people have it so bad, they should have gotten rid of him themselves. Not our business.

  • leavingwt

    Obama is inheriting an Iraqi war that is mostly won. Moreover, a new Rasmussen polls show that 60% of the American public believe the U.S. is winning the war in Iraq -- and that it will be a success.

    This should allow Obama to focus on Domestic issues (The ECONOMY) and killing OSAMA, as he has pledged to do.


  • roybatty

    Um..hello? Obama voted to re-enact the Patriot Act (along with almost all of his Democrat buddies). So easy to slam Bush and the GOP and say things like "I'd repeal the Patriot Act blah blah.." but then get cold feet when it comes up for a vote.

    So maybe the headline should read "OBAMA REPEALS LAW HE PREVIOUSLY VOTED FOR"

  • PrimateDave

    Um, I guess nobody is actually reading this 'paper'. Well, if you like what we've got; a morally, politically, and economically bankrupt system; then more of it you shall have.


  • sammielee24

    There is a UN mandate that authorizes the USA occupation of Iraq until December 31st - then it expires. If the new agreement is not signed, then the USA is in Iraq illegally - and if they keep shooting Iraqi's then I suppose the Iraq government would have the right to mete out justice according to the laws of their lands. The new agreement would allow the US to remain in Iraq until the end of 2011 but wouldn't affect troop withdrawl - it would affect the way they operate inside the country however.

    The deal hasn't been signed yet....sammieswife.

  • PrimateDave

    On page two of the New York Times Special Edition under the heading "Corrections: For the Record," among other topics:

    Portraits of Grief

    From September 14 to December
    31, 2001, the New York Times
    published “Portraits of Grief,”
    daily obituaries of the victims of
    the September 11 attacks. We are
    proud of this coverage, which
    won several awards. Tomorrow,
    the Times begins part two of the
    series with obituaries of the civilians
    and soldiers killed between
    2001 and today in Afghanistan
    and Iraq. Two soldiers, and one
    hundred civilians, will be very
    briefly memorialized each day,
    adding a full fold-out page to each
    edition. The series will continue
    for thirty years. (Estimates of the
    number of Iraqis who have died
    violent deaths since the 2003
    invasion vary from 100,000 to
    well over one million. The Times
    apologizes for consistently using
    only the low end of this spectrum
    of estimates.)

    From page 8:

    USA Patriot Act Repealed

    Eight years after being enacted,
    and three years after being reauthorized,
    the controversial USA
    Patriot Act was repealed by Congress
    by a vote of 99 to 1 in the
    Senate and 520 to 18 in the House.

    No fanfare greeted the repeal in
    either house. Absent were the 40-
    minute speeches and foam-core
    charts predicting Armageddon.
    The act was repealed with a simple
    vote cast late in the day by a
    Congress ashamed of what it had
    done and what the Act had meant
    for Americans.

    In related news, Congress yesterday
    repealed the Animal Enterprise
    Terrorism Act and agreed to
    permanently shelve the Violent
    Radicalization and Homegrown
    Terrorism Prevention Act. “These
    acts were worded in such a way
    that they could be interpreted to
    equate political dissent with terrorism.
    In any case none of these
    bills did a thing to protect Americans,”
    said Speaker of the House
    Nancy Pelosi.
  • sammielee24
    Getting rid of Saddam was the only good thing that came of all those US deaths.

    Saddam had nothing to do with those US deaths. If Saddam was that unworthy of life, I'm waiting for the bombs to drop on all those other countries that are starving, beating and imprisoning their populations. I hear lately that people in the Congo are getting raped and murdered again - who's in charge there? Anybody check out N Korea lately? Without communication, we have no idea if people are dead and rotting in the streets there. Zimbabwe's leader is as corrupt as they come and reduced that country to a mass of scratching starving people - most of them could tell you horror stories I'm sure. Somalia is run by pirates who have taken over everything. Darfur is another issue entirely.

    How is the US picking and choosing who to 'get'? Afghanistan and Bin Laden I could understand...Iraq and Saddam don't even fit. I'm not even sure that the US owes Iraq anything else at this point but freedom to run their own country. Leave and let the people rebuild their own country. They have billions in the bank and they have people who are educated and experienced in construction and all other facets of living. Perhaps once it's stable, man of the professionals will go back to their own country and set up doctors offices and vision centers and schools. The US drove them all out - if the US leaves, perhaps they can go back. sammieswife.

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