Keith Macgregor

by mouthy 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    I'm so sorry to hear that.

    I'm hoping he recovers completely.

    He and Lorri have helped so many break free of WT control.


  • mouthy

    Hi Grace,

    Keith is still in the hospital and will be flown air ambulance to Vancouver General Hospital tomorrow Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2008 where he will receive an angiogram and
    possibly an angioplasty (shunt or stent put in the artery at blockage site) at the same time. If these procedures are done he will be discharged from the hospital on Wednesday. If they need to do a heart bypass, that will involve a great deal more time in hospital. Keith has been very restless, suffering from some depression which is normal for those who have heart a heart attack. This has been especially hard on Lorri as she had care of her elderly mother until two years ago and still is the primary care giver for her 93 year old father and now Keith.

    Thank you for your prayers.


    On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 6:34 AM, Grace Gough wrote:

    How is he doing? Please keep me informed Grace Gough
  • Snoozy

    Well I certainly hope no damage is being done to his heart by their waiting so long to operate!

    When I had my heart attack the EM took me straight to the hospital..they could tell exactly what was going on by the EKG.
    They rushed me to emergency and did the angiogram right away. I watched as they did the was pretty neat!

    I watched the little wire thing go up my artery (They insert it in your pelvic area..) and knocked some of the plack away then they inserted two stents.

    The strange thing was that I had no chest pain..but the inside of my arms hurt so bad I couldn't stop sweating.
    The Dr said I would love him as soon as he got it unblocked..and I did. The pain went away immediately!

    I stayed a couple days to regulate my blood pressure and pills but usually you can go home the next day! Yep!
    But unless they do the procedure immediately you can have significant heart damage.

    I sure hope they speed things up..


  • mouthy

    Yes Snoozy I hope so too. Yours sounded rough also. Glad it was helped

  • mouthy

    Here is the latest on Keith MacGregor:

    Keith's Doctor in Vancouver called and the triple bypass operation was a complete success. He said there is still a leaky valve, small issue, nothing Keith needs to worry about. Lorri and Keith's son were both able to be with him. Thanks for your prayers!

    Cheryl Schatz

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi Grace,

    Thanks for this.

    I just now realized who Keith is. I believe he portrayed a JW "saved" through the efforts of Lori in a film I saw not too long ago. May have been Jeremiah Films.

    Glad he's recovering well.



  • mouthy

    Yes CoCo he helped her escape from the WT

  • Junction-Guy

    I am glad he is doing fine.

    Now a question since I don't remember seeing him at the conferences, which character did he portray in those films?

  • mouthy

    JG I really dont know I didnt think he was in any But I could be wrong

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