Does life begin at conception?

by Country Girl 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Midget-Sasquatch
    The problem is that because development is so continuous and unbroken, there is no obvious point in between that could serve as the dividing line required by the binary division; any proposed point would be altogether arbitrary.

    Exactly. Even if one wishes to use consciousness as a criterion, there can be some discussion. Barring other anomalies that may negatively impact on the quality of life for the organism, at what level of awareness does it become ethically objectionable for us to end that lifeform's development?

    The CNS forms relatively early on in the first trimester. So it gets very difficult fairly quickly.

  • gaiagirl

    ":Does life begin at conception? I don't know about anyone else, but mine did."

    It would be more correct to say that you "believe" yours did. There is a difference between "believing" and "knowing". You were not conscious at the moment of conception, nor for a long time afterwards.
    In stating that your own life "began" at conception, you are denying that the sperm and egg were themselves alive before they met.
    "Believing" is based on an opinion. "Knowing" is based on collection of data, observation, testing of hypothesis. It is "known" that the egg is alive prior to fertilization, same for the sperm. Your life began 3.5 billion years ago. It is only your life as an individual which began more recently.

    All life currently on the planet is linked in a web to every other living thing. There are no separate creations. We all share the same DNA, it is just arranged differently in each of us. Our lives all are connected also to those beings which lived before us, in an unbroken chain back to the very beginning.

  • Sunnygal41
    All life currently on the planet is linked in a web to every other living thing. There are no separate creations. We all share the same DNA, it is just arranged differently in each of us. Our lives all are connected also to those beings which lived before us, in an unbroken chain back to the very beginning.

    gg, I LOVE how you put that! That agrees with what the indiginous peoples were saying long before science said anything.........Mitakayu Oyasin, Lakota Sioux for "We are All Connected" In Lakech, Mayan for "In You, I See Another Me" Nemaste, Hindu/Sanskrit for "The Light/Spirit In Me Honors/Recognizes Our Oneness"

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