Look what my grand-daughter did

by mouthy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    It must feel good to have grandchildren who support you...and you deserve it! What a sweet girl.


  • mouthy

    thank you all for your sweet comments. Did you see my guest book. Hey this is fun.... Thanks Tara XX

  • Thechickennest

    Thanks for sharing Grace. It was bright spot in what I thought was just another ordinary day!

  • StoneWall

    Dear Grace,
    Thanks for sharing that with us. It is so nice to see how much you mean to your grand daughter and vice versa how much she means to you.
    From the past post of yours that I have read I have to agree it seems you bring a bright spot into so many lives on here and I was one of the many that posted on your good-bye thread and am so glad you decided to hang around a bit more with us straglers on the board.

    I sure hope someone says the right thing or does the right thing to get you to re-think about posting on other boards after this one shuts down. It's good to hear from the young ones, middle aged as well as the upper middle-aged such as you Grace. (remember old age starts at 100 so you got 19 more years to go. Heck you haven't even caught up to some of the ones on the GB that are approaching the century mark.)
    If you do get a chance to check out another board I hope you at least stop by JWSupportforum.com and say hi to all of us that have migrated over there. Its a bit different but you will see many names and faces that are so familiar to you from here. I know quite a few are still posting on both boards like me for now.

    with much love and respect for both you and your family,

  • mouthy

    . (remember old age starts at 100 so you got 19 more years to go. Heck you haven't even caught up to some of the ones on the GB that are

    STONEWALL >Go wash out your mouth WHEW!!! 19 more years I thank God every day for helping me get through THIS day,but I am SURE He wouldnt stick around for that long a time...Cos I argue with Him on occasion,

    Thanks Darling for your kind remarks apart from putting me in the catogory of the GB.God allows THEM to stay so long so they can seek the REAL Creator & find him & repent....

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