I am now going to be a bigger Apostate............

by lovelylil 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Why? Because I am going back to school to study what I always wanted to, Biblical Studies! I am hoping this will eventually lead to a theology degree.

    Remember how the WT scoffs at people saying they attended theology schools?


  • quietlyleaving

    thats marvellous - congratulations


  • lisavegas420
    I am now going to be a bigger Apostate............

    I thought you were going to tell us you were pregnant.

    Congrats anyway.


  • snowbird


    I'm happy for and envious of you at the same time!

    May your faith be strengthened by your studies.


  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Good for you! Please share what you learn with us.

  • mustang


    If I have learned one thing from the ^&((&% WTS, it's THERE IS A REASON FOR SEMINARY SCHOOLS

    I've thought of doing it myself, on occasion.


  • Sasha

    Good for you. Paul said to prove all things....I know I did, lots of research at the Library with all the theological books there and found that the JW's were not true to form and were a cult. Congrats!!!!

  • DanTheMan

    From Crisis of Conscience 4/e p. 23:

    "The Society's vice president, Fred Franz, was acknowledged as the organization's principal Bible scholar. On a number of occasions I went to his office to inquire about points. To my surprise, he frequently directed me to Bible commentaries, saying, "Why don't you see what Adam Clarke says, or what Cooke says," or, if the subject primarily related to the Hebrew Scriptures, "what the Soncino commentaries say".

    Our Bethel library contained shelf after shelf filled with such commentaries..."

    The society does no scholarly work of their own. They rely on the commentaries published by the celebrated Christendom scholars, and throw in their odd mix of interpretation on a few key scriptures. Blather, rinse, repeat. Then a few years or decades later, pretend they never said it.

    So who knows. Maybe some years down the road, it'll be, "why don't you see what the lovelylil commentaries have to say". LOL

  • BabaYaga

    Hearty congratulations and GO GET 'EM, Lil!

  • lovelylil

    Thanks everyone! This is an area I have always wanted to study.

    Since I've been out of the org more than 4 years now, I have read lots of books about the history of the bible, biblical archaelogy, interpretations of the bible, commentaries, etc. and I have learned so much.

    I learned some interesting facts too when studying about Jewish beliefs and reading a Jewish Translation of the OT. The Jews never believed that the man Job was an actual person. To them, Job represented any good people who are tested by the devil. Also Since leaving the WT I learned that the book of Proverbs is not to be used as prophecy in any way, but is simply a "wisdom book" or book of wise sayings. And Psalms are a collection of poetry by several different writers expressing their personal faith in God. Interesting isn't it?

    The WT would have us believe every letter in the Bible came directly from God's word and was to be taken as Divine Law. But it simply is not true. I have a whole different perspective on the book we call the Bible. And in many ways a new respect for it too.

    But, before my fellow Christians beat me up here; yes I do believe much of the bible was inspired by God. Especially the OT prophecies. But the bible contains illustrations, allegories, poetry and different types of writtings. All of which make the book special for me. I've always loved to read it even when I was a young child.

    I'm looking forward to learning more about the history of it and how it was put together and hope this will help me in the future to teach others about it, when I hope to go into some type of foreign missionary work. Peace to all, Lilly

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