This stupid poem was recited recently by a CO to manipulate the young'n's

by JimmyPage 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tuesday

    Appeal to emotion, appeal to fear...the usual garbage to manipulate folks.

  • blondie

    Remember jws didn't originate this little ditty. I found it all over the net being used by non-jws to put fear into people. I don't see why the CO had to "borrow" from them.

  • undercover
    Remember jws didn't originate this little ditty.

    Point taken, but it really doesn't matter who the author is. The fact that a Circuit Overseer was reciting this to incite fear into people makes him responsible. To the congregation he's responsible for counseling and encouraging them, so to me he's responsible for misleading people and resorting to emotional blackmail.

  • opr83

    The poem is anonymous, and has been around from at least 1999 on the Net. Another example of urban legend information given from the platform as Truth. The use of it is typical of manipulative behavior of those in "power" positions. If all of the rumors are true regarding the elimination and/or changes in CO representation, then this type of activity will increase - not diminish - and the R&F will have more to worry about, more confusion, and less control over what is promolgated from the platform. Sad....

  • WTWizard

    This is the extreme case. More common is that they will make it home safely, since the average sports star is not going to drink and drive (if they value the position--if they are on drugs, it is only a matter of time before they get booted off the team).

    The other extreme, which you will never hear at the Kingdumb Hells, is where the victim is out in field circus. They get in on a call in a bad neighborhood, and after a discussion of 15 minutes, they are exposed to the tuberculosis from the householder. Or they get caught in a shooting that they should never have gotten in (they live in a better area, but had this call in the ghetto). Or they get in an accident en route to the boasting session because the parents are too tired to drive safely from all the field circus they have to do. Or they get cancer at age 35 from the Pio-sneer Diet and the stress, and die before they reach 40. Which are all more common than the above, per 10,000 people involved.

    Plus, life as a witless is full of stagnation. You never get to do anything outside what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger tells you. Everything you do is what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, the congregation hounders, or your parents tell you to. You waste all your fun time in field circus, get no practical training, and end up being a zombie.

    I think a tiny risk of getting involved in an accident, a crime, or getting a disease is preferable to a greater risk of getting into even worse trouble while out in field circus and the certainty of stagnation.

  • Vachi 8 He Is
    Vachi 8 He Is

    My aunt traded paint with some fool on the way to the hall. If she hadn't put so much stock in going or being late she would've avoided that completely. My aunt is fine but where was god then? If there was a lesson, what was being taught? This is just humans way of putting a face on randomness.

  • dogon

    I thought there was going to be a I will not eat green eggs and ham line. Was the pome Jennie hears a who?

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