Do JW's watch movies in their homes which they would not watch in theatres?

by gaiagirl 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • gaiagirl

    JW's sometimes speak about how they don't wish to "stumble" non-JW's or cast a bad light upon the organization. Do JW's watch movies at home which they would not want non-JW's to observe them watching in a theatre?

    If they do, do you feel that they are really concerned about what the non-JW's think, or are they more concerned with being observed by other JW's?

  • yknot

    Well many small towns don't have a porn theater

    Seriously though..... Most of us have kids, and are broke so Blockbuster, Netflix and online streaming videos are our only source of adult entertainment. Most of us aren't as 'R' rated discerned as our parents.

    Most of us have large DVD collections that are filled with no-no R & PG-13 movies.

    I know an Elder right now who has a horror collection and loves watching "Bad Santa" with ole Billy Bob Thorton.

  • IP_SEC

    Just like any other group of people I suppose. Some do. Some do not.

    Some baptist drink at home but not in public.

    You know?

  • V


  • leavingwt


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Absolutely. That is the whole point of being a bunch of hypocritical turds. They watch whatever they want then they "Mark" others for doing the same thing......

  • sir82

    Reminds me of the old joke, or at least a variation of it...

    Religious differences:

    The Orthodox don't recognize the Pope, the Catholics don't recognize the Orthodox Patriarch, and the JWs don't recognize each other in the porn video shop...

  • sacolton

    "What happens in private ... stays private." Yes, most JWs lead a double-life. What the congregation doesn't know is none of their business.

  • shopaholic

    Yes. I know several JWs that have R-rated, X-rated and horror DVDs in their "private" collection. In the past when I've been in the home of JW's and they want to show me something online, I usually take a quick look at their online history and just about every time there are porn links regularly listed in the history. This folks were men, women, single, married, young, old.

    For instance, I know a few witnesses that went to see certain R-rated movies with the reasoning that it would better prepare them for the great tribulation.

  • aniron

    I always recall being in an Elders house waiting to go on "service" with him. Next to me on a bookcase were quite a few videos, mainly family ones , the usual Disney stuff etc, and few 15 rated ones.

    One of his children came in to get some from off the bookcase, as he did so he knocked against a cupboard door at the bottm, which caused it to swing open a few inches. The child left and I saw from were I sat in the cupboard stacks of 18 rated films. I quietly closed the cupboard door and smiled to myself and stored this away in my mind for future use.

    Also I recall a Min. Servant giving a talk in which he went on about the kind of TV programs and films a JW should not watch. The following week atthe KH he was going to me about a certain film and how good it was. It wasn't until he went that I remembered that film was an 18 rated film, one of the type he was going on about the week before.

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