McCain and Obama tax plan's effect on growth, capital stock, marginal rates

by BurnTheShips 12 Replies latest social current

  • BurnTheShips
    HERES THE REAL DEAL: I've highlighted where I think most of us are!

    Those are statutory rates, not marginal rates. Read the article. Also, according to your chart above, McCain cuts my taxes more. If I take my own self interest as a sole guide and your chart as the whole truth, which plan is better for me?

    LeavingWT, as far as Obama goes, I do not think he embraces Marxism as a complete interlocking political philosophy either, but he doesn't have to, does he?


  • Elsewhere

    Here's the bottom line for me:

    • Every time a Democrat is in office, civil rights improve and corporations are held accountable.
    • Every time a Republican is in office, civil rights go down and corporations are given special deals. (Do I need to remind you about the Patriot Act, Spying on American Citizens and Torture? Exxon... under Bush it brought in the largest profit in history... how many of the middle class saw a dim of that?)

    Since 1981:

    • Every time a Republican is in office, the National Debt goes up and things get harder for the average middle class household.
    • Every time a Democrat is in office, the National Debt goes down and things get better for the average middle class household.

    It is the Republicans who Tax and Spend, not the Democrats. In fact Republicans have gone a step further and actual Borrow and Spend.
    It is the Democrats who are fiscally responsible, not the Republicans.

  • sammielee24

    Here's the bottom line for me:

    • Every time a Democrat is in office, civil rights improve and corporations are held accountable.
    • Every time a Republican is in office, civil rights go down and corporations are given special deals. (Do I need to remind you about the Patriot Act, Spying on American Citizens and Torture? Exxon... under Bush it brought in the largest profit in history... how many of the middle class saw a dim of that?)

    Since 1981:

    • Every time a Republican is in office, the National Debt goes up and things get harder for the average middle class household.
    • Every time a Democrat is in office, the National Debt goes down and things get better for the average middle class household.

    It is the Republicans who Tax and Spend, not the Democrats. In fact Republicans have gone a step further and actual Borrow and Spend.
    It is the Democrats who are fiscally responsible, not the Republicans.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. .....sammieswife.

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