Just Seen Harry Potter

by Englishman 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman


    Sorry couldn't find the earlier thread re HP. But what a film eh? Who'd expected that a guy like me in his prime - 50's - would be so mesmerised by a trip to the cinema?

    Don't wait to see it on video or catch it at a cheapy picture house, the acoustics add great dimensions, so you need to see it in dolby multi-track sound.


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Fredhall

    Harry Potter sucks!

  • Seeker

    If something like Harry Potter appealed to you, just wait until you see Fellowship of the Ring in a few weeks. Reviewers who have now seen both films have, so far, universally said that Fellowship is the superior film by far. Much more depth and inventiveness. We'll see.

  • Englishman


    I saw the trailers this afternoon, it looked excellent.


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Fredhall

    Harry Potter sucks!!!

  • wonderwoman77

    Harry Potter is an excellent movie and all the books are excellent so far. The books are some of the best I have read in a long time. They are great for children and adults. The movie was great, but the book was better. I am not so hyped about the Lord of Rings. I think Harry could whoop him, but that is my opinion. And I know for sure that Harry Potter would kick you butt Fred

  • Seeker

    Lord of the Rings is really not aimed at children (The Hobbit was) the way Potter is, so the movie audiences will be skewed differently. Anyone can go to Potter, but I'll be surprised if there are a lot of young children at Rings. It's a more in-depth story, with more seriousness, more violence, more textured reasons for evil and good -- none of which will appeal to the 7-year-old set that can't get enough of Harry.

    Although adults can enjoy Harry Potter books and movies, it isn't primarily directed at them. The Rings books and movies are very much directed at teens-on-up, and have a built-in audience of people who have waited up to fifty years to see this on film. That's two or three generations of built-in audience, just aching to see this movie.

    Given the way the audience is slowing down for Potter already, and given that I've read a rave review of Rings in Newsweek and Rolling Stone called Rings the best movie of the year, I'll bet Rings gives ol' Harry a run for his money. Both will be megahits, but Rings was made slightly outside the Hollywood system, and I'll bet it will show in the depth of the storytelling. Depth sells to the adult audience.

    Just my guess. At any rate, it's nice to have a couple of great movies out this season that everyone (or almost everyone in the case of Rings) can enjoy.

  • ISP

    Seeker et al......I too am looking forward to the Fellowship of Ring....woohoo..can't wait!


  • Farkel


    You saw Harry Potter? Uh, oh. You're now demonized. Don't you listen to ANY of the society's literature? Unless we can get someone to make a bunch of pigs jump off a cliff with those pesky demons, you're toast.

    Serving Jehovah by Spreading More Bullshit

    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • Simon

    I've downloaded Harry Potter but haven't watched it yet - doesn't really appeal to me for some reason. I'm looking forward to Lord of the Rings though, now that DOES look good ...

    I just need more disk space, LOL !

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