The dreaded assembly experiences ....

by eyeslice 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh yea, the story of a sister who walks 10 miles through jungle, almost getting swept away in the river blah blah blah, and then they end the illustration with; btw this sister is 90 years old.

  • Mulan

    Husband and wife both work full time, 5 kids, all home schooled, regular pioneers. We had that one once. A couple of years later, the husband was killed in an accident, the wife went a little nuts, married an unbeliever, divorced, disfellowshipped, and the kids all had serious emotional problems. A real heartbreaker. But I don't think any of them are JW's anymore.

    We had a pioneer from our congregation, who gave an experience about a man she called on who was from Pitcairn Island, a descendent of Fletcher Christian, from the Mutiny on the Bounty story. I shrunk down in my seat for that one. I went with her on that call, and the man, while very nice, polite, and took the magazines, was not interested in JW's at all. I perceived that immediately, but she was relentless. He finally told her to stop coming. I just couldn't believe she had the nerve to give it as a good experience. He was an interesting man, with an interesting background..........period.

  • caliber

    I think what's really sad is the embellishments or deletions of facts to provide more

    "encouragement " to the audience. My brother was once complimenting a man for his wife's

    nice experience about raising two teenage daughters and yet still pioneering ! The man then said

    yes and feel bad about that ! How so.. because one daughter was 12... they were told spike it up

    to two teenagers .. close enough they said ... What encouragement !..( facts are just a small details !)

    Another experience a friend of my MIL gave a wonderful part about the blessings and joys of pioneering..

    yet to my MIL she told of all the difficulties and that she wouldn't do it again any time some.. what honesty

    but for "encouragement " of course !

    This same lady and her husband talk about the joys of pioneering in Quebec( failing to mention that this was the 1960's

    and we're past the year 2000 ! But such encouragement !

    Do any others know of embellishments?


  • eyeslice

    The worst at the last assembly was concerning a sister who died in child birth. Lots of bad news in the press but of course what the press didn't report was that a member of the family not previously in the truth is now studying. Wow, how good is that!

  • IHaveADream

    I usually escaped to the ladies' room for those excruciating tales. I knew if I stayed to listen they would either make want to run to the bathroom to barf anyway so I saved myself the trouble.

    This is a little off track, but when I went on a tour of Bethel, Brooklyn Headquarters and Patterson I discovered something quite weird. I never knew that the people depicted in all the literature (I mean those that they used as the artwork for happy, happy people in paradise) had to be going to Bethel and meeting all the strict requirements. After I found that out, the rest of the trip I kept saying to everyone, "Go to Bethel and become a STAR!!!!!" Think I ruined the tour for all the faithful dubs as I was already so cynical by this time. Tee, hee I secretly loved doing that.

  • ldrnomo

    I remember a time I was assigned experiences on a CA. It had to do with young people witnessing. I really had to dig for those experiences and exaggerate them when I got them. I used 3 children and out of those three only one is still in, the other two got away as soon as they turned 18. I hated doing those experiences. IT was all a fake.


  • eyeslice

    I remember a youngish brother relating experiences when he had been travelling in Vietnam and Cambodia, etc. What he didn't mention was all the grief his local elders gave him about being away from the meetings for 6 months at time whilst he went on his excursions.

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