Ex Jehovah's Witnesses, Why Did You Leave The Watchtower?

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • oddpotter

    by applying logic, it was clear that the teachings were implausible.

    a great bit of hypocrisy seen in witnesses.

    desire to be myself.

  • LisaRose

    I stayed in a lousy marriage for 28 years, because I thought I had too. I finally realized that my staying had not done anyone any good. It did not help me, my kids or my ex. The moment I realized that is when I lost my faith. The teaching was that you don't leave a marriage execpt for adultery, and that by following that principle, it would be better for me. But it hadn't. I still thought maybe it was the truth, but I thought if God was going to punish me at the big A for chosing life and happiness, then so be it. But all of a sudden I couldn't imagine it. I left and never looked back. Some of the brainwashing lingered for a few years, but basically that was it for me. It's been nice reading all this stuff about the UN, Pedophiles, and so forth, as it further validates my choice. But even without that evidence, I knew it just wasn't right. I have been so happy, my life is great, and I don't regret my decision at all.

  • StAnn

    I questioned whether or not the governing body of the JW was all members of the annointed. They said "Oh yes" NOT!!!!

    I don't understand your statement above. Being of the anointed class is a requirement to serve on the GB.

    Leaving, I understand this to mean that ALL of the members of the anointed remnant would be part of the FDS/GB. It bothered me to find out that the anointed were completely ignored by the GB. I "assumed" they had some kind of role that they didn't.

    Clarification, OP?

  • leavingwt

    Yes, I see. Thank you for clarifying it.

  • Hortensia

    severe depression. I just gave up. After a while, I began to see things more clearly. Realized that religion, all of it, is a disaster for humans.

  • bobld

    Because I hate liars and those who uphold the lie.


  • gymbob

    Great topic!

    I can agree with most of what has already been said, and my life is so much better. It came at a cost though....I knew that my family, sisters and parents, would more then likely NOT leave the Watchtower with me. Hell, I wasn't even sure about my kids. Luckily, they both left with me and life is good. But, I lost my family. However, I know this crazy religion/cult stops with this generation in my family. Gymbob

  • StAnn
    I know this crazy religion/cult stops with this generation in my family.

    I wish I could say the same. Although my children aren't in it, my neices and nephews are and now they're dragging their babies to meetings. Is there no end in sight?

    BTW, reply posted at yahoo answers.


  • StAnn


  • besty

    Although brought up I never bought in.

    Through my 20's and early 30's the WTS and I had an understanding - they wouldn't annoy me and I wouldn't tell them how much I hated them.

    In my mid 30's the WTS wanted more than I could offer - they asked for the souls of my new baby boys, and maybe they would have gotten greedy and asked for their lives as well.

    So I dusted off some items from my shelf marked 'Issues' and asked Google for an update. Google sent some informed people to talk it over with me and I quit the WTS.

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