ANNUAL MEETING:Not gleening - still fully in the harvest

by still_in74 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Which harvest? If he is talking about the harvesting and sifting of the wheat and the weeds, well, lets not forget that the WTS from 1995 has correctly stated that the separation of the sheep from the goats doesn't occur until Jesus ARRIVES IN THE FUTURE! So how the heck could the sifting of the wheat and the weeds have been going on from 1914 or 1919 or whatever dumb date they say. They are both separating works, yet the Society applies completely different time-frames. Bullsheeet!! Just more double-speak and capricious, self-serving contradictory interpretations by the Watchtower Bullshit and Trash Society.

  • shopaholic
    JWs will try this for a month, maybe 2, then it will be dropped and forgotten just like ("worldy") New Year's resolutions.

    This is exactly what will happen. Then after about 6 months of enjoying an extra free night, folks will start to realize other\better ways to spend their time and then start skipping out on the theo\service meeting as well.

    In regards to the gleening, I thought things were only in full harvest outside of first world countries. I know several JWs that are putting in yheir letter to go to the annual meeting next year. I didn't know that you could ask for an invite.

  • Sasha

    HOW can the JW's say Arm. is around the corner???? Don't they read the Bible...or just they'res??????

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