If it turned out that JW's were right ...

by sleepy 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sleepy

    Yes imagine if after all the struggle and effort to break fee of Jehovahs witnesses it turnred out that they were right all along.
    The governing body were getting messages from God and were being used by him , proof came out that evolution was false.They found Noahs ark and ancient manuscrips were found that proved the Bible true.
    Also Lasurus was still alive and well living in Siberia.
    The next thing we Know religon has been banned.
    There are signs in the sky and strange phenomenon.
    We look up and see the moon turned to blood and the sign of the son of man appears in the Heavens.
    Next to him is a flying pig.
    We realise Pigs don't fly .
    We wake up sweating.
    It was all a dream.
    Releaved its all over we get up for a new day.
    We open the curtains, allwe can see is fire and brimstone.
    We hear screams of tourture.
    Satan laughs.

  • TR

    Damn that Taliban! They found a way to rain fire and brimstone on us.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Nicolas

    And then, we decide to come back to the WBTS at the last minute and we can laugh at the persons who were JW since they were born because they didn't experienced the pleasure we had while we were out of the organization.

    Black holes are where God divided by zero.

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    black holes are beyond the ivory tower

  • think41self

    If it turned out JW's were right, and God was coming in all his mighty fury to judge the unworthy of the world, I would tell him what he could do with himself for being such a twisted, cruel creator before he blasted me from the face of the earth. But at least I'd die happy.


    Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    let us have a dream

  • joelbear

    Then right before dying I would go


  • ashitaka

    "Stick my head between my legs and kiss my bum goodbye."


  • Seeker

    ...then Jehovah would have some 'splaining to do. To which I would listen carefully and respectfully. If what He said made sense, I would echo Joel and go, "DOH!" If instead what He said is what Christians have been saying for millenia, I would be standing next to think41self waiting to be smited.

  • expatbrit

    And I'd be the other side of Think41self shouting "BAD GOD! NO BURNT-OFFERING!!!" until I was toast.


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