Answer the question Governer.. if you only knew the answers! LOL!

by dawg 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks


    Some people just need more government.

    We all do Watson. We need to go back to what government is all about. This idea of "less government", only means fewer hands to hold all the power. Fewer checks and balances. We damn straight do need more government, in the form of regulations and watches on big business, and individual branches of government. Honestly look at the result of "less government" over the last 40 years. In the last 40 years, we've had but 12 years, split up, of Democratic Presidencies. Very few years of Democratic Congress. It has only resulted in being farther from the constitution, and having more power concentrated in the Executive Branch. The Right has an agenda, and it's not about "less government", or abortion or anything else they tell you. It's about taking this country back to something akin to a Monarchy. With all the wealth and power concentrated at the top. This is not what our founding fathers had in mind. Get a damn clue people. Read your history, read your social studies.

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