Question for former / current MS'es and Elders

by tresdecu 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • tresdecu

    I know what you'll say now, but, back when you were 'in' mentally and/or phsically did you ever enjoy or look forward to the meeting with the CO on friday nights??

    They are the worst! (one coming up this month for me) (yes, I will have the flu! that night) Anyway, was it ever encouraging for you?

    Did you take away any "spritual gems" (tm)?

    I can't imagine anyone actually looking forward to a meeting with this guy!

    I remember the last one...some of us got pretty beat up re: svc time. Heads were hanging lowon the way that point we were just glad we weren't elders and had to stay longer!

  • minimus

    Only if we liked the guy. Some COs just did what they had to do. The last one I had looked like he wanted to be home in bed before 9. I liked him!

  • BlackPearl

    The last CO visit I had before I left, I got raked over the coals in front of the other guys because my F.S. hours were too low. I had my reasons for being low, but you know, you gotta keep up those hours. Felt more like a job, than love for God. Anyhow, I remember that night when I got home, I told my wife could do it anymore. She encouraged to look past the public whipping I had just received and continue as an M.S. Ironically, it wasn't long after that we both quite.

  • leavingwt

    If the CO was a jerk, I dreaded these meetings.

    One of my Bethel friends told me the following: "I always leave and go on vacation the week of the Circuit Overseer's visit."

  • Finally-Free

    Of course they looked forward to meeting with the CO after the meeting. It was another excuse to get out of vacuuming the kingdom hall after the meeting.


  • tresdecu

    leavingwt: I did the same thing!! "Ohh bummer bro. P.O., he's coming that week...I'll be out of town on vacaction" - one time I actually made the vac plans after his visit date was announced at the scv meeting, (got on travelocity that very night) my wife wasn't there that night, so she had no idea until a month or so later that the dates conflicted.

  • leavingwt

    "Life will find a way." - Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park

  • SnakesInTheTower


    did you ever enjoy or look forward to the meeting with the CO on friday nights??

    only the first time after I was appointed as an elder...ahhhh...the mystique... what really happens after us MS's left?

    kind of like looking behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz.....not much.

    after that...not so much... after I attended MTS...even less so... only took a few more years before I left mentally and physically.

    leaving wt:

    "I always leave and go on vacation the week of the Circuit Overseer's visit."

    I remember one CO told the service overseer who had a cruise or something booked: "cancel it". can you believe he did? Lost the deposit!

    One of my closest (well...maybe not anymore...his call) friends is an elder (and was a PO for awhile) makes sure to schedule his work vacations to coincide with the CO he can work with the CO/congo as much as possible... **gag** what a waste...

    Snakes ()

  • drwtsn32
    The last CO visit I had before I left, I got raked over the coals in front of the other guys because my F.S. hours were too low.

    The *exact* thing happened to me, too. It was the first time I went to one of those meetings, too. I couldn't believe how cold the CO was when he grilled me about my time. I had (good) excuses, but he didn't want to hear it. It was like he was a CEO of some corporation, worried only about "bottom line" figures.

  • Gladring

    I remember attending one as an MS. I was the only one in a cong. with about 7 elders. It was pretty much like any other meeting with scriptures read and a few comments asked for. We met in the POs house and sat around a big dining table. The CO would get us to read the scriptures that came up in the outline in turn. (At this point I should say I had a goatee beard. Things are a little more relaxed about that in Ireland - depends on the cong. But you still can't have one on the assembly, go figure!)

    Anyhoo. The society seemed to want to clamp down on tattoos and there was about 10 minutes of his meeting devoted to the subject of what to do if someone in the congregations turns up with a tattoo. Anyway it was my turn to read the scripture. "Brother, would you mind reading Leviticus 19 verse 28?" said the CO. "Sure" I said, "So long as I can read the verse before it too!"

    I think this went way over the heads of most of the old crusties at the table, but one elder who I used to be close to gave me a knowing look. Yeah I'm pretty sure he has a brain hiding there somewhere. Anyway, score one for me, I was such a rebel. (A bit of self parody here, but it was one of the few times when I felt like saying something and actually summoned up the courage to do so)

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