AUDIO AUDITIONS for WT Comments: Make Your Voice Heard!

by V 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • V

    I am looking for someone to help with the recording of Watchtower Comments. See here:

    I am looking for a male and female voice. All you have to do is record the following statement and email wtcomments at hotmail dot com.

    "Come with a good spiritual appetite, fully conscious of your spiritual need. Show the same appreciation for Jehovah’s table that you show when attending your local congregation meetings—by the way you are groomed, by arriving well before the program starts, and by remaining for each day’s concluding prayer. Give rapt attention to each part on the program. Take notes; these will not only give you something to remember the convention by but will help you to concentrate on the material as it is being presented."


  • yknot

    Well unfortunately I have to much of an east Texas twang but I look forward to seeing who is chosen!

  • Finally-Free

    I was able to read it with a straight face. Just right click on the link and select 'save target as'. it's a .mp3 file


  • shamus100

    I've had my privleges taken away, therefore I cannot read or pray at this time.

    When Jehovah finds me worthy, I will give it a try. Until then, I shall remain in the "sin bin".

  • AuntBee

    Poor V, he's just asking for some help, and gets all this sarcasm!! :) Finally-free -- man, that was rich! high-tech. impressive.

  • shamus100

    I'll say, Aunt Bee.

    You're a dirty dirty awful woman, and you can never ever read a watchtower, you dirty horrid woman. Spawn of eve! Away from me, sinner!

  • AuntBee

    I must say............that hurts. i'm leaving this forum immediately to go watch Star Trek Next Generation re-runs with my husband. At least he still likes me! Sheesh!

  • shamus100

    Haha. I couldn't resist, sorry. The watchtower is full of closet homosexuals, IMO.

    Oh my god, I highly recommend Walters recording... My gut hurts so bad from laughing.

  • ninja

    hey walty.....I'm too scared to go back to my bed....that was scary mate........he he

  • V

    Thanks all! If pre-convention announcements sounded like Walt's version ... wow.

    I have some excellent talent ready to go from this, stay tuned. If you want to see the impact just Google "Watchtower Comments"... we own it!

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