What if Obama loses?

by BurnTheShips 14 Replies latest members politics

  • still-fading

    What if Obama loses? Well if he loses it was obliviously a STOLEN ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks like the DNC scare tactics are working wonderfully! If Obama loses, a great depression will follow. Let's look at his plan, raise taxes on the top 5%, close all corporate loopholes, windfall profits tax, and raise corporate taxes. Good plan! Try and destroy the very ones providing employment!! You think unemployment is high now?!? Raising corporate taxes and windfall profit tax? Obama, let me help, CORPORATIONS DON'T PAY TAXES, IT GETS PASSED ON TO THE CONSUMER!!!! So Obama would create job loss and drive up the price of most goods and services!! But McCain would cause a depression........GEEZZZZ

  • FlyingHighNow
    raise taxes on the top 5%, close all corporate loopholes, windfall profits tax, and raise corporate taxes. Good plan! Try and destroy the very ones providing employment!! You think unemployment is high now?!? Raising corporate taxes and windfall profit tax?

    And just how is this going to destroy them? You think they can't afford to pay more taxes? Bill Clinton did similar things and got the US back into the black. So the rich corporations paid more of their vast wealth in taxes: our economy was very healthy. GW is a republican. He helps out the: top 5%, opens corporate loopholes, is against windfall profits tax, and lowered corporate taxes. Why is our country in such horrid shape financially after eight years of Republican policy? Why are many, many large corporations treating their employees worse and giving them less and less? Might it be greed?

  • undercover

    What we need is God's Government under the reigning King Jesus Christ. Only under this Heavenly Government will we know true peace and security. Only in God's New System will each person build and take occupancy and enjoy their own fig tree. Man is not made to walk in his own footsteps. This Old World under Satan's leadersship is doomed. We need to get out before its destroyed.

    Sorry...I had a flashback there for a second...

  • BurnTheShips
    Sorry...I had a flashback there for a second...

    Dude thanks for the buzzkill.

  • still-fading

    Good points FlyingHigh, but Clinton had the benefit of the dot.com boom that allowed him to do many of the things he did. The bubble burst starting in in March 2000 when Time Warner bailed out AOL. From 2000 to 2002, 5 trillion dollars in market value was lost. And that to the events of 9/11 and the economy didn't stand a chance! Now as far as corporate taxes go, I say again and stand by, corporations do not pay taxes. For example a candy bar. Let's say Mars is hit with a +2% tax burden. Do you think the 2% will come out of the company? I guarantee the cost of a Snickers bar will be going up to off-set the new tax burden. So we always end up paying it in the end. And the loopholes.......that's why I love the fair tax. It will close all loopholes! It is a tax based on consumption. Every time they buy something as little as a box of staples, there will be a tax on it.

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