Whos to blame ? Have we learnt?

by cluless 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • cluless

    Being lied to by the Watchtower hurt. It hurt because when I exposed these lies to members of the congregation I discoverd they preferd the lie to truth. That they would compromise there family there integrity and friends to continue living a lie. SAD. i dont blame the watchtower for this .This sence of inadacurcy is for there pyschioquist not the watchtower.

    But then I must admit getting started in life I made money by selling products I knew were cons..Worse I have no remorse.

    Now I have triead and triead to finnish smoking. Iam winning. Still an occassional smoker. But going in the right direction. The struggle to be going in the right direction has taken years. The habit may easily have shorternd my life.I feal no anamosity to those I buy the cigs from. I see the Top Bosses of the smoking companies as evil (Even if they do smoke themselfs) I do not see the promoters of there products as evil. I. I dont blame the Watchtower for my smoking. ( I began to smoke through a return-call) I blame the return-call because he wanted me hooked (That makes it personal).......I do not blame myself for getting hooked. But I hate myself having been so weak.

    So to cut a long story short. Life is( to me ) ovbiously one big advirtistment. We leave the Watchtower and maybe fall for bigger and greater cons without realising we are hooked.Its also funny how we aportion the blame.

    Sorry for the bad spelling.

  • cluless


    In my thread you didnt disagree with me on anything I wrote.

    Matter of fact I agree on everything you said.

    What I was trying to say was we are accountable for the decisions we make. Only it concernd me how awake we are to the decisions we make!!!

    But nothing on nobody:

    I take full responsibility for being missled by anybody. Problem is this learning does come with experince.

    And with experience comes learning and with learning comes blame. But learning and blaming people doesnt make them accountable.

  • milligal

    Maybe I misunderstood your post, I thought you were blaming someone for getting you hooked on cigarettes and implying that we (as individuals) are led to our decisions by more powerful people-people who sell things and advertise things to us. Was this a wrong impression of what you were saying? If so I apologize (either way I respect your opinion even as it may differ from mine).

    I was trying to respond that; I don't feel led along. I know when my kids watch tv they want to go to the store and buy what they see on the commercials, if someone tells my 9 yr old a story he is inclined to believe it. I am not at that stage in my life, I am critical and I don't buy into products, choices or ideas even under heavy pressure. Does that make more sense?

  • cluless



    I totally agree with everything you say 1000%.

    Only I also belive the Cigarette Industry or Jehovahs Witness mentality was not invented by me.

    I have the right to experiment with what I do not know. And then with knowledge of what I did not know I have the right to say "F... S... and P.... on it.

    The thing is we want our kids not to experiment with what will damage them. Cigarettes ... Being a J:W: ..whatever Iam sure they will find there own vises. My only hope is there vises become virtures .Even my son being a J:W is ok with me. If thats what he wants. If thats what he really wants.

  • Pahpa


    You're right that there are many organizations and people out there who lie and deceive. And there must be some blame on the gullible person who is taken in by such deception. However, if one is inexperienced and naive, who carries the greatest blame. I would suggest that it was the source of deception.

    In the case of the Watchtower, it claims to represent God as his only channel of communication today. Many of us were impressed with its strong moral teachings and its high Biblical standards. But over the years, we began to discern the hypocrisy and the double standards that permeated the organization. For many of us, it reached a point that we no longer could accept this as "God's organization." And we chose to sever our connections. However, the Watchtower doesn't allow a person to leave without reprecussions. Its policy of disfellowshipping and disassociating has caused untold pain and suffering to families and individuals.

    Who is to blame? In this case it has to be the leaders of the Watchtower Society.

  • jaguarbass

    So to cut a long story short. Life is( to me ) ovbiously one big advirtistment. We leave the Watchtower and maybe fall for bigger and greater cons without realising we are hooked.Its also funny how we aportion the blame.

    Life is one big advertisement here in America. America is a country run by corporations, ie capitalist.

    The leaders view us as consumers and spend a lot of money to get us addicted to their products.

    Thats life and advertising and selling products enables a lot of people to make a living.

    So its let the buyer beware. We have to decide what we spend our money and time on.

    In the end its all vanity, because we all die, very few leave any lasting impression.

    So relgion taps into that somber realtiy and touches our emotions to drain some of our energy for their religious advancements.

    Which at the time we contribute, is filling some need we have that they created.

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