Matthew Twenty-four (Is Knocking at the Door)

by Yadirf 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf
    a thought for you friday: who is the stupid one? is it the one who asks the question, or the one that cannot muster an answer?

    It's not a matter of one, it's two. It's the two (namely Dubla & Joel) that can't comprehend it when the proper answer has been provided, but then turns around and asks a stupid question like you just did.

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • dubla
    It's not a matter of one, it's two. It's the two (namely Dubla & Joel) that can't comprehend it when the proper answer has been provided, but then turns around and asks a stupid question like you just did.

    as usual, you are confused. the "question" i was referring to was actually plural (questions), and they were asked by many posters (not just dubla and joel), on several other threads, and not one single "answer" was ever "provided", let alone the "proper" one. its all part of the dodge-and-bolt tactic ive been talking about. when you simply cannot respond, you exit stage left. the question i just asked was not indeed stupid, it was meant to make you think, but im beginning to believe that notion is a lost cause.


  • LouisCypher

    100 reasons why Johnny Cash IS COOOOL!

  • zerubberballs

    Hey Yadfluf,

    Swearing is not something bad about JC .. you hitched up to the wrong end of the horse again. The bad is record company freaks censoring all his songs as he sings 'em. Mr.Johnny Cash follows in the footsteps of great fascist figthers like Woody Guthrie. He toured with Bob Dylan and Alvis Priestly and he's cool not in spite of but because like Jesus and his daddy he says things how they are .. fuck the Pharisees said Jesus as he turned over the money tables of the ancient watchtower men .. fuck you all to hell! You really need to take a long hard look at yourself Yadfluf judging folks badly for speaking raw hard truth. You really should hang in shame .. just 29 minutes to go ;)

    Annnnnnnnd .. it sounds to me like you've been taken in by one a them watered down bibles censored so as not to frighten young children and old ladies in church.

    git yer lilly white hands off our Johnny! unclebruce

    PS: "Sunday morning comming down" - awesome.

  • COMF

    I have been searching for a better explanation than what I can give in answer to your question about why he dressed in BLACK but haven't found it yet.

    God save us. How hard did you look? Is it possible... could it be... do you suppose... the lyrics to his song, "Man In Black"?


    And you, Six... shame on you!
    I can say like Johnny Cash that "I've been everywhere man,.." I'll probably die pretty happy.

    If you're gonna quote country music singers, wouldja at least keep 'em sorted out? Hank Snow is flipping over in his grave right now, being confused with Johnny Cash.



  • Yadirf

    Thanks COMF. If it'd been a snake it'd bit me fer shore, I guess. Gosh, I had even provided a link to the lyrics of some of his songs -- which included THAT song and didn't really realize it. Duh!

    You know I need to get my Johnny Cash albums out and see if I've got one with THAT song on it. I remember hearing it once or twice before on the Radio, but at the time was too busy to really concentrate on the lyrics. I'm real bad anyway about getting so absorbed with the melody of a tune that I hardly even notice the lyrics until I've almost worn out the song. And here I had been searching on JC discussion boards and other links for an explanation which I knew that I had heard before but just couldn't relate it in any detail. Maybe all that I had ever heard was off that song alone, I'm not sure. Seems like though that I might've watched a documentary on the life of JC on TV once, which if that were the case I'm sure it was covered as to why he dressed in black.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

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