The female pilar of our cong. shunned me today.

by changeling 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    I was at Target and pushed my cart down the aisle in her direction. She was walking towards me and looked straight at me. I smiled as I approched her. Suddenly, she darted down a side aisle. She must have started running because when I reached the aisle I stopped and looked down and she was nowhere to be seen.

    Mind you, I am only "inactive", not DF'd or DA'd.

    I wonder if her cold little pioneer heart was warmed at her valiant act of self sacrificing love? Will her god give her brownie points for her actions?

    changeling :)


    She gets 6 brownie points!..And..A coupon..For a Free Ride at Watchtower World!................Laughing Mutley

  • DaCheech

    this is the prime example of "by their fruits you shall know them".

    they so valiantly apply this as if they are producing the "good fruits"................ not!

  • restrangled

    Changling....Your story, makes me scream inside!

    if I had been there, I would've had no problem chasing her down and asking what was her problem? I might of banged her cart with mine, not excusing myself, but asking her what was her problem with saying hello to you? Also critizing her purchases just for fun....icecream, pasta, name it......

    You dear, are a great girl.....dont be intimidated.


  • White Dove
    White Dove


    You are worth so much more than that horrible treatment you got.

    Yes, by their fruits you will know them

  • Finally-Free

    No one likes to be shunned, but think of it this way. No one runs away from an inferior. You must be doing something right.


  • New light for you
    New light for you


    Wow. You know, all these people who say " I woulda said this" ... its hard to come up with that in a split second when you cant believe what is actually taking place!

    I finally had it happen to me, and before i could figure "this is really happening" it was over. I now could figure a hundred things to do and say.. but in the situation, i think you're totally off guard.. and actually they are the ones making themselves look crazy again... so let them look it!


  • jamiebowers

    Dawg has posted this before, and he told me on the phone that when he was shunned by a "brother" in a crowded restaraunt that he said in a loud voice, "Excuse me everybody, but I want you to know that this man is shunning me, because I don't agree with his religion's doctrine. He's a jw, and that's what they're trained to do; shun people who don't believe the way they do," or something close to that. The "brother" got out of there as fast as he could. Dawg said that word must've gotten around, because all of the jws speak to him in public. I was ROTFLMAO at that one! Maybe all of us should be prepared to do the same thing the next time we are shunned.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    how incredibly loving of her. I bet this inspired u to return to the sheepfold so u could experience the bountiful love that u miss so very much.

    ok back, I threw up a little after I posted that and had to clean up

  • changeling

    Actually, if she had not disappeared I would have gone up to her and greeted her in the warmest fashion I could muster just to see what she would do. I figure that would have left her at a loss for words, which, knowing her, would have been quite an accomplishment.

    This is a long time regular pioneer, former missionary, elder's wife, mother of an elder/bethelite, and an outspoken pain in the ass.

    Don't worry guys, I don't feel badly about it at all. In fact, I was amused at the silliness of the situation.

    changeling :)

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