A curious introduction...

by ozziepost 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ozziepost

    ......to an article up on the Watchtower site. http://www.watchtower.org/e/200704b/article_01.htm

    What seems strange to you?

    “IN MY country to be a Christian means to go to church once a week,” says Kingsley, from one African country. Raad, from the Middle East, explains: “In our community Christians are viewed as a group who follow Western customs and traditions in their dress, celebrations, and treatment of women.”

    After all, isn't this how "worldly" people perceive the dubs? Just substitute the word "Christians" with "Jehovah's Witnesses" and see what happens!

    Yep, they follow particular Western customs. Good grief! Their men wearing western suits in the most remote locations - notice how incongruous they look? Notice how they always 'stand out'?

    They have particular celebrations e.g. their annual Christ rejection meal where unlike anywhere else they actually reject the bread and the wine! Now that would have to be weird!

    Their treatment of women? Their women are required to wear a certain style of dress, nothing else is acceptable at the Kingdom hall, in their prosyletising work, even when volunteering at their meeting places! And speak? Oh no, never let a woman teach! Never let a woman face the audience to speak when on the platform.

    Just a small example again of the 'hide the thimble' techniques used by them.

    Brain washing? Certainly.

  • HAL9000


    I had a look at the page you mentioned - references to "true Christians" and the snippets from "authorities". If I had the time, I would be interested to see in what context these "authorities" have made reference to the JWs given their proclivity for taking things out of context.

    I do especially love the way they stick to thier claim of being the one true religion, true to the "roots" & low perfect they are.

    I have to stop before I make myself sick...........


  • sweetstuff

    ROFL at their quoting the Catholic Encyclopedia. Too funny! The very religion they have taught for years is the leader of Babylon the Great and now, hey, they said something somewhat good about us, let's quote that. That is truely gag worthy. How can active dubs not see how hypocritical that is??? Yeah, "get out of her", unless she does some serious a$$ kissing, in which case, feel free to read and quote her as a reputable source. LMAO!

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