Why Evolution Should Be Taught

by hamilcarr 360 Replies latest jw friends

  • Asheron

    I just had to comment on the stupid ass thread I have re-posted below. Jaguarbass, you are a slope headed ass. Your use of the word "You people" shows you for what you are, an ignorant, racist, blind headed fake patriot. Your ignorance of even our own American history is astounding. My family fought along side of the French for independence to build this country and people like you are free to rant bullshit as a result of the blood of MY forefathers. Buy a f'in book and read it you ass. Hell, turn on your 13 inch black and white TV and watch the history channel.

    "You Europeans have a lower crime rate because you cant defend yourself." -Jaguarbass
    "America and people who believe in the bible have to come rescue you everytime you get your tit in the ringer."-Jaguarbass
    "You people are not even men enough to have the rights to bear arms. Rights have to be fought for and fought to be retained."
    "You people who stayed in Europe are of the docile genetic pacifist gene pool".-Jaguarbass
    "My European ancestors where of the gene pool of they werent going to take the shxt of the monarchy and surfdom that your forefathers tolerated. So we here in America are a little rougher all the way around."-Jaguarbass

    And my favorite, "One of these days were going to kick the evolutionist out of America and do away with the Federal reserves bank and you pussys can all go screw yourselves."-Jaguarbass

    Your idea of America is so UN American you really should move to China, but I bet you cant find it on a map.


  • Warlock


    Anyone with enough common sense to cross the intersection on a green light knows evolution is horse-shit.
    This sort of response baffles me. I understand you don't believe evolution and that you don't know much about it - this thread after all is about the dearth of science education and the religious propaganda that allows such ignorance to thrive - but at the very very least you must be vaguely aware that hundreds of millions of people believe evolution, including Nobel prize winners, university professors, leading scientists in every field of science and even most theologians. Further, you should be aware that these people have almost no counterparts who do not believe evolution is a fact. So who's wrong? Everybody who's educated in the subject - or indeed in any subject - the people who have advanced science, technology and philosophy, all the truly great minds of the last century or so — or you?
    FD, Ever heard of the species "Educated Fool"? This species is much more dangerous than the "Plain Old Fool" Warlock

  • What-A-Coincidence
    FD, Ever heard of the species "Educated Fool"? This species is much more dangerous than the "Plain Old Fool" Warlock

    Hey bat! How are the meetings? Gonna invite me when u give your #2 talk?

  • Warlock
    Hey bat! How are the meetings? Gonna invite me when u give your #2 talk?

    I might have to go tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. Warlock

  • funkyderek


    Ever heard of the species "Educated Fool"? This species is much more dangerous than the "Plain Old Fool"
    But do you really really believe that? That everyone who's actually studied the subject is wrong and that you who can't even grasp the fundamentals are right? Why do you have such confidence in your position when you haven't even studied the subject at the most basic level?

  • MissingLink

    They're afraid to look at it honestly since it might damage their "faith". It's too scary.

  • Warlock
    But do you really really believe that? That everyone who's actually studied the subject is wrong and that you who can't even grasp the fundamentals are right? Why do you have such confidence in your position when you haven't even studied the subject at the most basic level?

    fd, Honestly, just because a fish's tail grows, or shrinks, or a ram's set of horns gets larger, or smaller, THAT proves evolution? And to top it all off, you have the explanation as to why these things happen? As I have said before, show me a monkey evolving into a man. You might get my full attention. Show me a man evolving into some other species, not a man growing an additional toe, or losing one. A virus mutates and you all piss in your pants because it proves evolution? Take a REAL LOOK around you and see how complex things are, and it's all by chance? It all evolved? Well, I guess London 'just evolved' also. Warlock

  • hamilcarr
    show me a monkey evolving into a man.

    It always stuns me to what extent creationism has espoused radical relativism by discarding all not directly observable evidence and by doing so mimicing postmodern methodology. The evidence demanded in order to embrace evolution is very similar to the rather silly "show me God and I'll believe in him" statement.

    I guess the still continuing discovery of transitional fossils and the resulting difficulties to draw unambiguous lines between species combined with the fact that DNA sequencing allows us to quite accurately trace down evolutionary lineages is sufficient to confim common descent.

  • funkyderek


    Honestly, just because a fish's tail grows, or shrinks, or a ram's set of horns gets larger, or smaller, THAT proves evolution?

    Those are examples of evolution. A change in the distribution of inherited traits in a population over time.

    And to top it all off, you have the explanation as to why these things happen?

    Yes. Of course we do. That's what Darwin gave us. Random changes that confer a survival advantage are likely to survive and spread. Those that confer a disadvantage are likely to die out. Given the nature of biological reproduction, this effect is cumulative.

    As I have said before, show me a monkey evolving into a man. You might get my full attention. Show me a man evolving into some other species, not a man growing an additional toe, or losing one.

    It's this sort of staggering level of ignorance that probably makes it pointless even trying to discuss this subject with you. Nobody would expect to see such a thing. If I could show you a monkey evolving into a man, that would not be evolution as understood by any biologist. You might as well ask me to show you someone who speaks English suddenly starting to speak French, and if I can't do it, dismiss the notion that the English and French languages descended from a common precursor. (Of course, for all I know, you think both languages began in Babel anyway.)

    A virus mutates and you all piss in your pants because it proves evolution?

    Again, a virus mutating is an example of evolution. The fact that mutations in viruses tend to counter attempts to wipe out those viruses lends strong support to Darwin's theory.

    Take a REAL LOOK around you and see how complex things are, and it's all by chance? It all evolved?

    Those are the two opposite explanations, evolution or chance. They are not at all the same thing. You are the one who is promoting a theory of chance, the idea that an intelligence just somehow happened to exist. Darwinian evolution is not about chance at all. The initial mutations are random certainly (although they don't need to be) but the strength of evolution is that the selection is not random. It is the complete antithesis of randomness.

    Well, I guess London 'just evolved' also.

    Of course. You think someone designed London? What the hell is wrong with you? In actual fact, complex systems like cities provide a reasonable analogy for evolution. Almost everything is tried but only the good bits survive, and the bits that survive tend to be copied. The history of the city can be seen in what would be poor design decisions, roads too narrow for cars, for example, or small buildings in expensive locations. I don't expect you to get any of this; you've resisted all attempts in the past. But what I do hope is that you will at least acknowledge that your ignorance and incredulity is not equivalent - and certainly not superior - to knowledge and understanding. It's fine for you to say "I don't understand this and can't even imagine how it would happen" but it's not fine for you to claim that your lack of understanding and imagination means that those who can grasp the concept are somehow the stupid ones.

  • Caedes
    For one I have had to sit in the hospital with inmates after they try to hang themselves because they are depressed and think that there is no meaning or purpose to life and we all just evolved from an amoeba

    Since atheists are so under-represented in the prison population I find your claim to be laughable. Even if your claim is based on one or two real cases then I would be willing to bet that anyone that suicidal over the reality of evolution had a religious upbringing.

    It is odd that every single atheist I have ever met has a more positive outlook on life than the one you claim they hold, I can't think of any of the many atheists on this site that hold opinions anything like what you claim. I know it is rather pointless asking you to back up your claims but give it a go.

    Yet again you claim to have read Darwin and Dawkins, and yet you still dont understand what evolution or even science is. If you really have read Dawkins can you (in your own words ) explain what the mechanism of evolutionary change is (from the point of view of an evolutionist.)? Because if you really have read Dawkins then a two or three line answer should be no problem. Of course you could be lying having read nothing more than creationist propaganda in which case you wouldn't be capable of giving a proper answer.

    I'm sure since only theism makes people moral you wouldn't be lying would you?

    Could you find one modern reputable scientist working in biology who doesn't believe in evolution?

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