Kingdom Ministry Tribute to JWD - ????

by AudeSapere 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    OMG....did you see that one link on Brother Carl's site asking if you want to submit your "field service report" to him?? WTF?? Why would any Dub want to send their field service report to someone on the internet???

    Mary, you should've been around when Brother Carl had his guestbook open. What a riot!! Because of JWD apostates, he had to shut it down. LOL

  • Honesty

    OMG....did you see that one link on Brother Carl's site asking if you want to submit your "field service report" to him?? WTF?? Why would any Dub want to send their field service report to someone on the internet???

    I just sent him my report...


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