September Round Up....

by sweet pea 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Can anyone tell me what this is about?

  • AudeSapere

    Dunno. Never heard of it.


  • WTWizard

    I believe that it is the annual drive to get everyone to start pioneering. They do that every time they start a new circus year, for the purpose of getting them into setting new theocraptic goals.

    It also means hounding anyone that doesn't voluntarily submit to the arrangements. They do not want to begin the circus year with too many inactive or irregular people, so they round everyone up to get them started on a busy year of field circus.

    Of course, this year the pioneer misery has been significantly cheapened. If they only have to get 50 hours a month instead of 90, that is going to make it possible for them to hound everyone to pioneer for the circus year. And, if they can't make the 50 hours a month for a year, at least they can find the way to get the 35 hours (used to be 60 back in the late 1980s and early 1990s) per month to auxiliary pioneer. And now anyone can be "spiriutal" without as much of a hardship as before.

    That means watch out! The gap between the witlesses and the worldly people is closing. At least, that is, in terms of number of hours of field circus required. Now, that means we are going to have to step up other things that they hate (like education).

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