What is

by John Doe 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Ha ha. Not the same thing. ;-) I'm quite the carnivore.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I've heard this stuff is nasty. I've got it on my to do list before I die. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegemite

  • DazedAndConfused

    I like most everything. From a young child I was always 'game' for foods others didn't like. I was raised with 4 siblings, 3 being male.....you get the drift. Males eat everything in sight and the girls are left with nothing so I made it a goal to find 'disgusting' things to eat where my brothers would walk away from.

    The only thing I can think of that I hate is Cilantro. Cilantro hits the taste buds in the back of my tongue and just makes me need to spew. I don't know why. I have tried all the normal things along with the not so normal things. Cilantro gags me.

  • beksbks

    Vegemite doesn't sound bad................

    Snails is not so good, again, it's the texture. If you like sponge in garlic butter, you might like 'em John Doe.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Vegemite is made from leftover brewers' yeast extract, a by-product of beer manufacturing, and various vegetable and spice additives

    That doesn't sound bad? Hmmm.

    I must admit, it's hard not to like anything in butter and garlic.

  • Hope4Others

    No way on earth will I eat Liver....


  • SuperApostateGirl

    Gee Mom, Grandpa B just gave me Beef Liver to bring home to you,what a coincidence you should mention that.

    It must be Destiny....

  • changeling

    You guys are crazy! I love gizzards and I put cilantro in everything! Don't know about norgewegian fish...

    I eat anything.

    changeling :)

  • changeling

    Liver and onions with mashed potatos, yum!!!!!!!

  • DJK

    Most cheese's.

    Grated parmesan is the worst, smells like baby puke.

    Welcome back changeling.

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