Women are stupid Men are idiots /Gender Haters

by OUTLAW 12 Replies latest jw friends


    No matter were you go you`ll always come across these knuckle dragging,neanderthal pea brains.A group of women that hate men,or a group of men that hate women.For me they both belong to one group,"Gender Haters."I go out of my way to stay away from either sex of this group.Their always looking for trouble and have nothing nice to say about the opposite sex.How do you feel about this group?Do you have any stories,funny or not so funny?...OUTLAW

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    hmm, your post reminded me of this poem...

    I’m Not a Man ~ by Harold Norse

    I’m not a man. I can’t earn a living, buy new things for my family.
    I have acne and a small peter.

    I’m not a man. I don’t like football, boxing and cars.
    I like to express my feelings. I even like to put and arm around my friends shoulder.

    I’m not a man. I won’t play the role assigned to me - the role created by Madison Avenue, Playboy, Hollywood and Oliver Cromwell.
    Television does not dictate my behavior.

    I’m not a man. Once when I shot a squirrel I swore that I would never kill again. I gave up meat. The sight of blood makes me sick.
    I like flowers.

    I’m not a man. I went to prison for resisting the draft. I do not fight when real men beat me up and call me queer. I dislike violence.

    I’m not a man. I have never raped a woman. I don’t hate blacks.
    I do not get emotional when the flag is waved. I do not think I should love America or leave it. I think I should laugh at it.

    I’m not a man. I have never had the clap.
    I’m not a man. Playboy is not my favorite magazine.
    I’m not a man. I cry when I am unhappy.
    I’m not a man. I do not feel superior to women.
    I’m not a man. I don’t wear a jockstrap.
    I’m not a man. I write poetry.
    I’m not a man. I meditate on peace and love.

    I’m not a man. I don’t want to destroy you.

    (hehe, sorry to interupt your thread outlaw)

    ~ §¦¡† \|/®¡§†§ ؃ †#ë §|<¥ ~

  • ISP

    Hey you have not just checked out my thread below have ya?!



    HA-Ha-ha,thats funny mango!Another twist on gender hating.A man who hates men...OUTLAW

  • wallaby jack
    wallaby jack

    G'day Mango,

    I think Harry's poem, inspite of me not liking the mechanical way it's worded, captures much of the meaning of true manhood.

    In my experience gentleness and strength fit together like well oiled male and female bods ;)

    cheers, unclebruce

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    bruce, you are insane! :) have i ever told you that??? i think i have...several times actually. in any case, i still love ya. :P

    ~ §¦¡† \|/®¡§†§ ؃ †#ë §|<¥ ~

  • Mum

    One thing I noticed about the feminist movement early on was its humorlessness. I wish I could come up with a funny story, but when I think of feminists (and I consider myself one), nothing funny comes immediately to mind.

    Bless those bra burners anyway. I / we all owe them a lot.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • wallaby jack
    wallaby jack

    Mango girl,

    I know I'm insane, it doesn't worry me in the least, in fact i wear it with pride. It's only you other folk who gotta watch out LOL.

    I think you are a refreshingly healthy well grounded citizen .. but i like you just the same ;)


    ~ §¦¡† \|/®¡§†§ ؃ †#ë §|<¥ ~

    ~ split ends of the sly? ~

    ~ slip in something slinky? ~

    oo i no ... ~slit clitoris of the slut ~ ... hey you can't say that here!

  • wallaby jack
    wallaby jack

    G'day mum,

    I don't have many rules about people but I don't trust anyone who is a deadset tea-totaller or has no sense of humour. (that wipes out most religious folk right there ;) That said, the old feminists accomplished a great deal despite being off with the fairies much of the time.

    cheers, unclebruce.

    PS: The female eunich is a funny lady but a scarey mistress. (Germaine Greer scared Clive James for life and rightly so ;)

  • moman

    I like Monty pythons, "He's a lumberjack" skit, you know, "I chop down trees, I eat my lunch...I like to press wild flowers...." lol

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