Before this thing closes....someone respond to and make sense of this

by iamthewolf5562 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheSilence

    I'm not very good at debating doctrine, etc., but my feelings on the whole shunning thing is that it just proves to me it's a cult. You don't force someone's whole support system to be in this one small group and then take it away when a small rule is broken.

    When the prodigal son came back his father welcomed him immediately with open arms and a feast. He didn't make his son sit in the back of the room for 6 months and refuse to talk to him until he was sure he had repented properly.


  • SnakesInTheTower


    good use of scriptures to prove the shunning doctrine

    Snakes ()

  • iamthewolf5562

    yup. thanks. maybe you're not a master of doctrine, but you make sense:)

  • sweetstuff
    its not being shunned tho.. i mean thats not how i look at it. " whom jehovah loves he disciplines"

    I'd focus on this part of her thinking. If "Jehovah" *shiver shiver* can read hearts and we are encouraged to open our hearts to him in prayer, *shiver shiver* and its "he" who disciplines those he loves, why is there a need for you to sit in front of three imperfect men to be judged and punished/disciplined? Do you not trust that "Jehovah" the reader of hearts is more than qualified and capable to direct your path and handle yoru situation free from imperfect men? If not, then what hope is there that he is capable of bringing about Armageddon? Where in the bible does it say you need to sit in front of a committee of three men to be judged? Doesn't the bible say, judgement belongs to "God" alone?

    Something along that line anyway.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Lets get down to basics. The reality of the situation is that that once you take the religion out of it, it just becomes a human power trip of coercsion, that is disguised to look like some heavenly pronouncement.

    These are men who sin disgustingly, like everyone else. No one in there right mind with a freeethinking agenda, would take these self riteous monkeys seriously. When your family is pressuing you, because they are brainwashed, it's easy to forget that 99.5% of the world would not subject themselves to this ridiculous childish silliness anymore than I would subject myself, to the punishments of being an ifidel, under Islam. The whole thing is outrageous and not to be taken seriously. They can only have as much power over you, as you let them have.

    Who in the hell do they think they are? The morality police? They have that in Afghanistan and Iran, you know. Would you be a part of that? I think not. Try to assosiate with folks who build up rather than break you down and blackmale you, through your family. People who try not to judge before they take the rafter out of their own eye! Doctrine has nothing to do with this. "Thats' their world," and its a twisted one. Morality comes from inside. It is the spirit of the law not the letter of the law that counts. It is a matter of common sense. They too are sinners and must be punished just as they do unto others.

    Sin and crime are two different things.

  • iamthewolf5562

    you too are brilliant! thanks mom!

  • iamthewolf5562


    most truly i say to all people helping me out on this one. thou shalt get a facebook and friend me so i can randomly send you clever messages here and there, as well as continue to benefit from your wisdom and whatnot:)

  • sweetstuff
    you too are brilliant! thanks mom!

    LOL you are very welcome "son". Now do as I told you and take out the garbage.

  • iceguy

    Your friend may try to be a good little trooper and do everything they require...which is go the the meetings, making sure the elders can see you underlined your watchtower, and of course you can't be sinning anymore. What will happen is your friend will feel real good about her relationship with Jehovah and feel she has paid her debt and then submit a letter for reinstatement.

    This is where she will realize its nothing but a bunch of men who probably have remedial jobs and love the power they have. Your friend will be shattered when they tell her she has not done enough and "for the good of the congregation" they will say no to her reinstatement. She will feel confused because she will be certain Jehovah forgives her and would want her back...and if she does study a lot (hopefully not just JW material) she will see that Christ would never have disfelloshipped her to begin with. This is when she will throw in the towel, because she will see it for what it is. I will also tell you if she was having an affair with a married brother and his wife was pregnant she is looking at 2 years at least...even though they say there is no time limit how long one is to be disfellowshipped...there is depending on the sin and if its with someone in the cong.

    Just search for threads on here about df'ing and they will give you the reasons why disfellowshipping in not scriptual. It will may take a while before it all sets in and realize's she is being shunned, hopefully she will research why this practice is wrong.

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