All Americans are going to be fat in 40 years!

by digderidoo 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • digderidoo

    updated 3:34 p.m. ET Aug. 6, 2008

    NEW YORK - If the trends of the past three decades continue, it’s possible that every American adult could be overweight 40 years from now, a government-funded study projects.

    The figure might sound alarming, or impossible, but researchers say that even if the actual rate never reaches the 100-percent mark, any upward movement is worrying; two-thirds of the population is already overweight.

    “Genetically and physiologically, it should be impossible” for all U.S. adults to become overweight, said Dr. Lan Liang of the federal government’s Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, one of the researchers on the study.

    However, she told Reuters Health, the data suggest that if the trends of the past 30 years persist, “that is the direction we’re going.”

    Already, she and her colleagues point out, some groups of U.S. adults have extremely high rates of overweight and obesity; among African- American women, for instance, 78 percent are currently overweight or obese.

    A ‘wake-up call’?The new projections, published in the journal Obesity, are based on government survey data collected between the 1970s and 2004.

    If the trends of those years continue, the researchers estimate that 86 percent of American adults will be overweight by 2030, with an obesity rate of 51 percent. By 2048, all U.S. adults could be at least mildly overweight.

    Weight problems will be most acute among African-Americans and Mexican- Americans, the study projects. All black women could be overweight by 2034, according to the researchers, as could more than 90 percent of Mexican-American men.

    All of this rests on the “big assumption” that the trends of recent decades will march on unabated, Liang acknowledged.

    “This is really intended as a wake-up call to show what could happen if nothing changes,” she said.

    Waistlines aren’t the only thing poised to balloon in the future, according to Liang and her colleagues. They estimate that the healthcare costs directly related to excess pounds will double each decade, reaching $957 billion in 2030 — accounting for one of every six healthcare dollars spent in the U.S.

  • SirNose586
    All black women could be overweight by 2034

    WHOA, what a coincidence, the same year that Jesus comes back!

  • SacrificialLoon

    Nothing a bit of inflation, and a depression won’t fix. Producers are already cutting back on the amount ice cream, and the amount of cereal in their standard containers. We'll be literally and figuratively tightening our belts before long.

    SL with a BMI of 25.1 :(

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk
    There is a portion of the population (myself included) that would never let themselves get fat. Those who work out and eat well. I never understood how people could let themselves get so fat. And yes, I say "let" because we DO have control about how well we eat and how much excercise. And it's not about money. You can eat well and not spend a lot of money. Anyways, at some point don't people look in the mirror and say "enough is enough"?

    Gotta say that thats a reasonable opinion.

  • beksbks

    Garbage food (high fat, sugar, etc.) is cheaper, without a doubt.

  • Fadeout

    If 100% of the population will be fat in 40 years, in 50 years that should increase to around 110%, meaning there will be piles of fat in the street not attached to any particular individual.

  • FlyingHighNow
    There is a portion of the population (myself included) that would never let themselves get fat. Those who work out and eat well. I never understood how people could let themselves get so fat. And yes, I say "let" because we DO have control about how well we eat and how much excercise. And it's not about money. You can eat well and not spend a lot of money. Anyways, at some point don't people look in the mirror and say "enough is enough"?

    There was a time I thought things were so simple. Boy did someone upstairs make me eat my words. I want to apologize to all people who struggle with their weight for saying such uninformed things as the comment above. Now I know. And I am wondering what the point of this thread is.

  • digderidoo
    And I am wondering what the point of this thread is.

    Because i find it interesting.


  • digderidoo

    I do not live in Australia. I came across it on a news web page, found it interesting and decided to post it here wondering what others thought of it.

    Because i am not American, does that mean that i should not find it of interest?


  • Robert7
    Garbage food (high fat, sugar, etc.) is cheaper, without a doubt.

    I disagree.

    Option 1) For $10 I can get two biggie Big Mac Meals: Big Mac, Large Fries, and Large Coke. At this is 1350 calories, and 83 grams of fat. Even medium fries & Coke is 1130 calores, 48g fat!

    Option 2) For $10 I can get a pound of lean ground turkey for turkey burgers ($4), whole-grain buns (~$2), and the remaining $4 on veggies (not all are expensive, like lettuce & carrots).

    1/3 pound of turkey burger, 225 calories, 4g fat (from

    1 slice American cheese, 50 calories, 3g fat (

    1 bun, 113 calories, 3g fat (from

    1 serving carrots, 30 calories, 0g fat (

    1 service lettuce, 14 calories, 0g fat (

    1 ounce lite italian dressing, 21 calories, 2g fat (

    And drink water or unsweet tea, 0 calories

    TOTAL: 453 calories, 12 g fat! All for about $10 (oh, and actually has nutritional value)

    This is how I eat. No more expensive. Just takes a desire to be and look healthy.

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