*** 1 Year on JWD - Happy Anniversary to ME ***

by Princess Daisy Boo 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    I like anniversaries - I think it is fascinating to look back at a certain date and remember.

    So in honour of my first year on JWD, I look back...

    A year ago today, I was sitting in the little shop I owned, waiting for customers that didn't come. I was bored and when I am bored I eat, and google. I had been googling Jehovah's Witnesses and lurking a bit on this site and on that particular day, with a pounding heart and sweaty palms, I joined the forum and posted my story.

    The little shop failed, and two months later I got given the job of my dreams, or so I thought. It was awful. By sheer luck, I bumped into an old boss, who immediatly offered my my old job back, at half the hours of the awful one, and more money. I was not in a good space and I accepted the job back gratefully. My confidence was at an all time low, and going back to a place where I was needed and wanted was the best thing for me. I am still there and it is going well. The reduced hours allow me time to be with my kids, look after my home, take a little me time and dream a little.

    As a result of my failing business and tight finances, my husband and I were going through a rough patch. We have come through it and we are back to our old selves. We managed to remember why we are best friends and reconnect and although we are currently going through another mini crisis (nic is waiting to hear if he still a job) we are in it together and it will be ok!

    As far as JWD is concerned - I hit 1000 posts a few weeks back. I have spoken to one of you on the phone and exchanged emails with another. I value the friends I have made and I hope to one day meet some of you in person. I have also found a new hobby and addiction in Werewolf. I love my werewolf buddies.

    I suppose most important, as far as the forum is concerned is how far I have progressed in terms of recovery from the cult. Well - I call it a cult now - and I never would have done that before. I have also voiced my opinions in a heated debate with my mother. We did not talk for a while, but after a few days, she called a truce of sorts. She hasn't strictly stuck to her end of the bargain, but I have made my opinions known and for that I am proud. My sister and I talk less than we ever have, and that is not going to change anytime soon.

    Thanks for reading guys. I love you!

  • free2think

    Happy JWD Anniversary PDB

    Im so glad that you have come such a long way and that you and your hubby's relationship is back to how it was.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Boo,

    Congratulations and thanks for making this 2-year veteran (as of tomorrow) feel welcome by putting me on your list.

    I'll never forget that.

    It took me till October to learn the system and finally post!



  • DaCheech

    happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy!

  • llbh

    Hey Princess,

    Glad things mostly working out for you.

    Happy Anniversary to you


  • Hortensia


  • yknot

    alt....... Princess Daisy Boo..

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up


    I think you may very possibly be

    One of my favourite people in the whole universe.

    Much Love


  • holly_golightly

    Love the avatar, and congrats on turning your life around! =)

  • deeskis

    Happy JWD anniversary.

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