Disfellowshipping isn't new-the history of Southern Disfellowshipping

by dawg 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    Bass... I see what you're saying but I think Dinah has it right... she, a Southerner, says... "If Southern churches still disfellowshipped people, there would be no money in their collection plate. Also, you'd be hard pressed not to find some serious sinning going on in your local church". It's always about the money isn't it? And thus we see why the Jws will one day drop this bull$hit.

  • Junction-Guy

    If money itself were the main issue, then JW's would be tithing and there would be no disfellowshipping.

  • dawg

    Hey what's up Junction Guy? I hear you about those Baptists, my granddad was one,and so was grandma..

    I miss them dearly... granddad let my father say the prayer at his home (as you know a Southern thing) and Dad wouldn't let granddad say the prayer in his... that always pissed me off.... My Dad said that he wouldn't allow "false god's" to be prayed at in his home... crap!

    That makes me mad to this day, granddad hated the JW religion, yet had the heart to let another pray to his god...

    It's kinda like my and your relationship, if you came to my home, I'd let you pray at dinner out of respect to your beliefs... what the hell's wrong with these people?

  • dinah

    Hey Dawg, off topic but 28 days 'til kickoff!!!!

    After all, football is a religion in the South.

  • Junction-Guy

    I don't know, I just call it the JW anomaly.

  • dawg

    Oh Dinah, I was watching re-runs of old college games today... oh my god, I can't wait..

    And Yea, JG... it does seem strange, but when their numbers fall to where the profit has been hurt, what will happen then? Who knows?

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