cheating on you Feild service time

by Iwonder17 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thepackage

    I always put 12-15 hours per month when it was only about 5-8. I'd show up for field service and after the field service meeting i'd goof around for about an hour before knocking on a few doors, then kill time drinking coffee....i mean RV's!!!! When i first become a Dub, i was honest though.

  • PaulJ

    i like to say i exaggerated sometimes but not very often... ;)

  • yknot

    The most.........honestly if I didn't include everyday errands were I dropped a pub or tract ...... an entire pioneer month.

    But.....the KH I started in never believed it was a scriptural mandate that should be manifested with time slips....How I loved the late 70's!

    Every pioneer I know fudges abundance. Why else do you think we go Mon-Thrus!

    Besides there are so many 'weakened' JWs to be reaping as studies right now! After reading the Keep in God's Love book most of my friends are dreading convert bible studies....cuz they gonna end so much more quickly....

  • SuperApostateGirl

    I only lied about my Field Service time when I was trying to get Baptized, thank-god that didn't work out!

    Like they say Liars will not inherit God's Kingdom,consider me out of the inheritence....

  • Galileo

    The last few years I was a witness (and MS) I could no longer stomach the thought of "recruiting". So I never went out and reported around eight hours a month. It was high enough to be plausible yet low enough to be removed as a servant, which was my goal. When they finally counseled me about it they told me that they wanted to make me an elder, but the CO said I wouldn't be recommended, in fact I would be deleted as an MS, unless I brought up my hours. I thought this hysterical, as I hadn't actually been out in service in years, and had been an atheist since before I was appointed an MS. So much for the Holy Spirit.

  • chickpea

    i feel like such a dolt in that i never fudged an hour!!

    but i DO know the elder/BS conductor, when trying to get me to aux pioneer, told me how EASY it was to count time!!

    he would get his 3 YO up on a "service day" and read bible stories to him (start time 730 am) and keep that ball rolling til 3 or 4 in the afternoon..... doing the "Star of David" pioneer route for return visits

  • JimmyPage

    I put down just enough to be regular but not enough to get bothered with privileges.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    When I decided to stop Field Circus for good, I always put in imaginary hours just to avoid becoming "irregular" or "inactive". When questioned about my not meeting the group for FS ... I just chalked it up to "informal witnessing".

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I was accused of lying about my time back when I was a MS and pioneer the first time around (I know I have posted this before).... turned into a JC for lying...deleted and unannounced reproof resulted ,....along with loss of privileges...when the whole time I was underreporting by 10% because I felt guilty for taking those long breaks....

    ....too bad I didnt leave way back then...I would have gained 16 years of freedom.... no such thing as JWD or even much an internet back then...just a few bulletin boards and 300 baud dial up service....

    So years later, as I started my fade...I started turning in phantom time for the last 6 months I was still going to the KH.... I figured Jehober "owed" me a free pass.... ironic....

    Snakes ()

  • JK666

    I was honest, although sometimes creative, until this incident:

    I decided to auxillary pioneer one month while on layoff. Halfway through the month, my car had a major breakdown, and I had to remove the transmission and fix it myself. It was the dead of winter, and a miserable week and a half until I got it back up and running. I ended up getting a little more than half of the 60 hours I was supposed to get in, and honestly reported my hours. The freaking elders were jerks about it, and did not cut me any slack. From that point forward, I gave myself latitude to fill in the blanks with whatever I wanted.


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