help me finish the lyrics of this song I'm writing...

by dawg 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • dawg

    Before you add lyrics, if you hear this on the radio, know now you'll get no royalties...sorry, but I'm one cheap bastard. No title as of yet, it sounds kinda Beatles like... like Penny Lane kinda

    The world seems colder
    And my life still fades

    The wine tastes sweeter
    My life feels completer
    Than my younger days

    I thank the lord above
    For those I've loved
    And the hearts I've caved

    Those hot summer nights
    When the moon was bright
    Oh the loved I've made

    But Life is just a crazy dream
    Don't get lost in the confusion
    Live the life you're living now
    It's all just an illusion

    But I'd really like to know
    Where I our spirits fly away?

  • VoidEater

    Keep the money, but I want co-writing credit (it needs more revision, and a title still):

    As the ashes smolder
    The world seems colder
    And my life's ember fades

    The wine tastes sweeter
    The grass always greener
    Than my younger days

    I thank the lord above
    For all those I've loved
    And all the hearts I've craved

    Cool Winter's night
    Hot Summer's light
    All the loves I've made

    And Life is just a crazy dream
    Don't get lost in the confusion
    Live the life you're living now
    Immersed in the illusion
    But there's still something I'd like to know
    Where do our spirits fly at the end of the show

    It's a funny situation
    Being in this creation
    And learning how to grieve

    You'd think being born
    Into this mortal form
    Would make it easier to leave

    It's just this little world
    Inside my fingers curled
    Teaching me to give

    When I think I've got no more
    When I'm staring from the shore
    Now I learn to live

    And Life is just a crazy dream
    Don't get lost in the confusion
    Live the life you're living now
    Immersed in the illusion
    But there's still something I'd like to know
    Where do our spirits fly at the end of the show

  • dawg

    Damn Void... that's not too bad...LOL!

  • VoidEater

    At your service... ;-)

  • sweetstuff

    As the ashes smolder
    The world seems colder
    And my life still fades

    The wine tastes sweeter
    My life feels completer
    Than my younger days

    I thank the lord above
    For those I've loved
    And the hearts I've caved

    Those hot summer nights
    When the moon was bright
    Oh the loved I've made

    But Life is just a crazy dream
    Don't get lost in the confusion
    Live the life you're living now
    It's all just an illusion

    But I'd really like to know
    Where I our spirits fly away?

    Does it even matter?

    If we fly while we live,

    Live everyday like no tomorrow,

    Try not to hurt, only give

    Does it even matter, where our spirits fly to?

    I think it only really matters

    Is that you be you.

  • snowbird

    Dawg, any special reason this is in Scandals & Cover-ups?


  • Hortensia

    Life is not a crazy dream
    Don't get lost in the confusion
    Live the life you're living now
    Don't trade it for illusions

    As the fire burns low
    to a gentle glow
    and my life is fading away

    Wine tastes much sweeter
    and life seems fleeter
    Than my younger days

    Life is not a crazy dream
    Don't get lost in the confusion
    Live the life you're living now
    Don't trade it for illusions

    I've lived with true love
    and lost my true love
    You'd think I'd want to leave

    You'd think being born
    In this mortal form
    Would make it easier to leave

    Life is not a crazy dream
    Don't get lost in the confusion
    Live the life you're living now
    Don't trade it for illusions

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    As the ashes smolder
    The world seems colder
    And my life still fades

    The wine tastes sweeter
    My life feels completer
    Than my younger days

    I thank the lord above
    For those I've loved
    And the hearts I've caved

    Those hot summer nights
    When the moon was bright
    Oh the loved I've made

    But Life is just a crazy dream
    Don't get lost in the confusion
    Live the life you're living now
    It's all just an illusion

    But I'd really like to know
    Where our spirits fly away?
    What will I be buying,
    with these hairs of gray?

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