Is the Patterson Elder School Info. Public Knowledge?

by neverendingjourney 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • neverendingjourney

    I might have had my first post-fade slip up. Due to a temporary job, I've found myself back in my hometown the last few weeks. I was pumping gas this morning when I was approached by the presiding overseer of my old congregation (technically my current congregation since I never bothered to change my publisher card). He was cordial and told me about his recent trip to Bethel. He was telling me how beautiful the Patterson facilities are and like an idiot I said, "Aren't they hosting elder's schools there now?" His eyes lit up and he became immediately suspicious. He asked me how I had found out and, again, like an idiot I threw my brother under the bus and said he had told me. He said that I was correct about there being elder's schools there and quickly changed the subject.

    I have a good feeling he now suspects I'm getting information from "apostates." He's been pretty good about leaving me alone since I stopped going to meetings some three years ago, but I don't want to give him any reason to come after me. I'm going to be in town for a few more weeks before I head back home (several hundred miles away), which is enough time for him to gather up the elders and begin an investigation. I don't think it'll come to that, though.

  • sir82

    Yeah it's public knowledge. I heard a DO mention it from the platform at an assembly.

    If anyone asks, just say you found out about it via an e-mail from someone.

  • neverendingjourney

    Thanks. This particular elder is barely literate and is proud of his technological ignorance. He refused to buy a television for years and when he finally relented, he bought a set but kept it stored away. He only brings it out in case he needs to watch the news for some reason. We were out in service years ago and this other brother who's kind of a nutter blurted out that the elder's book could be found online. Needless to say, that comment combined with all the anti-internet propaganda from the society has made this elder extremely suspicious of anything internet-related. He basically views it as a tool of Satan. He's got more important things to deal with, so I'm guessing he'll continue to leave me alone until my "apostasy" becomes open and obvious.

  • garybuss

    I'd like nothing better than for some foolish elder to mess with me. I'd call him at 1 am every night for a solid month.

  • mattbetrayed

    yea me to i think calling him at 1am every moring would be real good.wish ida thought of that .

  • yknot
    yknot each other too....

    Elderettes blab.....

    Lots of ways you found out....

    better yet ...a JW emailed you about the stage announcement, and an Elderette confirmed!

  • garybuss

    You wrote: " He asked me how I had found out. . . "

    I'da told him, Your wife told me while I was screwin' her back teeth out.

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It

    Sounds like the guy you talked to is just an ass. I think there are very few secrets in Jehovah's mighty chariot. They are too busy figuring out directions.

    My brother-in-law from Bethel was visiting and he spoke of it openly. He knows we don't go to meetings at all. So there was no secret about it.

    --Not Hiding It

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Burn Notice: neverendingjourney

    Disavowed for failed mission: neverendingjourney


    You'll be fine.

  • moshe

    If it is very boring right now on the judicial committee they could whip up a courtmartial on you for some summertime fun. Not going to meetings for 3 years is enough rope for them to haul you in for counseling. It's never too late for the elders to cleanse the Org of slackers and malcontents.

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