70 Hour Pio's & 15 Min Pubs

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Let's see here - according to the latest rumor
    you can be a regular publisher by putting in 15 minutes
    a month.

    You can be a regular pioneer by putting in 70 hours
    a month (not 90 or 100).

    You can join Bethel after being baptized for only
    6 months.

    Does the decline ever become obvious? Will the
    Witness zombies ever wake up? Anybody remember how the
    Watchtower used to attack "Rice Christians" in China?
    Now, they're generating Rice Christians of their own.


  • DB

    Met, where or by what means did you hear about the 15 minute publisher thing?

  • joelbear

    The point this really brings up is how absurd it is to measure your Christianness in time units.


  • fodeja

    DB, see the "Elder School Summation" thread.


  • anglise

    Hi DB

    This info was posted by messenger on sat/sun after the elders school


    5. New procedure: This was described as a new loving provision from the GB. Reporting time has been adjusted by 45 minutes for elderly and infirm. A person in this category to be determined by the body of elders can turn in a minimum of 15 minutes each month and still be counted as a regular publisher. They may turn in as many 15 minute increments as they can or just one. It was stated this was tested in other foreign countries and regularity increased by 1.6%. Can you believe it? CBSO’s were encouraged to give special attention to the elderly and infirm.

  • Sirona

    I can just see it now! "oh brothers, there are so many more publishers now!" (skipping over the bit where half the hours have been done...)


    ** http://www.religioustolerance.org **

  • DazedAndConfused

    uuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhh, I wish I could access new threads. But alas, I can't. I had hoped to access the thread regarding the Elders meeting before my father got here but since Simon changed things around............I cannot access anything that has more than one page. I was hoping to have some ammo when dad came to visit but i cannot access anything new. sheesh!

  • Englishman


    This is scraping the barrel to get the pubs up! Any dub can can be a publisher now. It's like when they introduced 15 second billing to mobile phones to get more people to sign up to Virgin!


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • VeniceIT

    It might increase their pubs but it'll surely drop the averages!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • battman

    you might try another browser other than
    Netscape. I have all kinds of problems
    when i use netscape .


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