2008 DC: Quotes galore

by outofthebox 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • outofthebox

    Following the Moonies example, the JWs use body exhaustion as a method to control the mind. And during 3 days on the last DC Convention they told in several talks that ...

    "The Organization is THE way to worship God" and...

    ... since "In no other period of the human history the world has seen the terrible state the world is in now", we can say that...

    ... "The JWs are the HAPPIEST people on the planet. Life will have no sense without our worldwide brotherhood. They are the best friends we can have". That's is why...

    We don't trust the world leaders because they are like a bad doctor. "Imagine that you go to a doctor and he gives you some pills and you don't get better. You come back, and he gives you some pills and you are getting worse. Will you come back again to that doctor? I don't think so". And remember...

    You need to read the Daily Text because "it is a provision from Jehovah", because...

    "The FDS is directed by Holy Spirit". And that's why...

    "Is reading the literature produced by the FDS that God teach us exact knowledge"... And of course that means...

    "A spiritual person despises worldly Education".


    Now imagine that for three days and you will understand why the JWs believe. They are constantly under the FDS influence.

  • shamus100

    All's what I've heard from my 'old' friends is how they've been travelling to the convention.

    "Oh, we went to the convention... Yes, the convention... oh, did you want to go to the convention?.... The convention....."

    WHO IN THEY'RE RIGHT MIND WOULD GO? Holy freaking crap.

  • VM44

    Do the speakers ever actually PROVE any of the statements they make?

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle


    That is one big old boat load of crazy.

    Thanks for sharing.

    The Oracle

  • SuperApostateGirl

    WOW,A spiritual person despises wordly education! Yep keep stupid so they won't leave,Knowledge is power and liberating!

  • VM44
    "Imagine that you go to a doctor and he gives you some pills and you don't get better. You come back, and he gives you some pills and you are getting worse. Will you come back again to that doctor?

    Depends on what would have happen to you if you didn't take any pills at all.

  • Gopher
    "In no other period of the human history the world has seen the terrible state the world is in now"

    What ignorant nonsense! Of course, the Witness leaders keep their people ignorant and uneducated, so that they won't discern that they're being fed a crock of crap.

    The 14th century was a time when the world saw a terrible state, and the plight of the average citizen was far worse.

    Read this site from the University of Wisconin-Green Bay for more details: http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/WestTech/x14thc.htm

    It was a great time of turmoil and a sense of helplessness at all the calamity. You had the Little Ice Age -- the Baltic Sea freezing over in the first decade of this century (surely a sign of the end of the world!). Norse settlements in Greenland were cut off, grain cultivation ceased in Iceland. In France heavy rains in 1315 brought crop failures, followed by widespread famine, reports of cannibalism and epidemics.

    We're just getting started! Then there was the Black Death. The Bubonic plague brought life to a virtual standstill. This disease took two forms: one infected the bloodstream causing the buboes and internal bleeding, and was spread by contact. The other form was a more virulent pneumonic type that infected the lungs. Sometimes people went to bed feeling well, and died before they woke up. It was wildly contagious. So people died without last rites. The plague spread from country to country, from India to Iceland. Corpses piled up, people thought it was the apocalypse.

    Then there was the hundred years' war involving Britain and France, starting in 1337. What war of our times has lasted that long?

    There was upheaval between the Catholic Church and the King of France, and the rise of militant Islam. Society was shaken to its foundations in the 14th century.

    So when we hear "at NO TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY" has life been as terrible as now, the speaker is ignorant or deliberately misleading.

  • aniron
    We don't trust the world leaders because they are like a bad doctor. "Imagine that you go to a doctor and he gives you some pills and you don't get better. You come back, and he gives you some pills and you are getting worse. Will you come back again to that doctor? I don't think so".

    What if the Doctor gave you a date when he would cure you. You turn up and he says "No its not today" gives you another date.

    You turn up "No not today" gives you another date.

    You turn up "I didn't say come today. "Yes you did, I have it written down." "Well, YOU must have made a mistake."

    "Maybe some time in the future. I'll let you know"

    Would you trust him for a cure?

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Bang on Gopher!

    I often think about this as well. The 14th century was far more traumatic than this one. World conditions have in many ways never been better than they have been over the last one hundred years, despite two world wars and the threat of nuclear war.

    I think an average life span of 35 years and a quality of life that ranked somewhere between hard and horrific would help put the 14th century on the map as a far worse century than the current one. We take soooo much for granted in this modern error. We are actually more like a bunch of spoiled brats. We have it way too good, and its getting better.

    The Oracle

  • WTWizard

    I wonder if their omission of the First Dark Ages is intentional. Anyone that knows what things were like during the First Dark Ages, crime and all, would feel that things are comparatively good these days. And they didn't have instant messages within minutes of a disaster on the other side of the world, so things looked calmer than they actually were.

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