Our SAVIOUR has arrived....and every EYE is upon Him

by journey-on 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    The mass media kills me. They make you see and hear what they

    want you to see and hear. (Thank god for YouTube. It's just a matter of time though before

    they do something about that pesky little website.)


  • BurnTheShips

    Oh Dear!


  • snowbird

    How about this from the Orlando Sentinel ...


  • Greensleeves
    How about this from the Orlando Sentinel

    Suck my balls.

    These cartoons make me sick. You assholes can continue to distribute them all over the web. But the cartoons are stupid and out of bounds. You suck. You suck You suck. You are a bitch.

  • quietlyleaving
    On the Seventh Day he walked across the Channel of the Angles to the ancient land of the hooligans. There he was welcomed with open arms by the once great prophet Blair and his successor, Gordon the Leper, and his successor, David the Golden One

  • Greensleeves

    I would like to live in a society where stereotypes don't exist. Snowbird has been seen going down on my..... She has propagated rumors and spread shit. Snowbird should be a farmer. She spreads shit to support her ideals and her crop. Her crop is racist and biast by nature and I wish it would die. Snowbird should choke on her own shit. That is what she spews.

  • Greensleeves

    I agree that the media is grabbing at whatever they can. But I have seen cartoons with Obama and his wife depicted as Terrorists in Middle Eastern dress and his wife carrying a gun. It is ridiculous, and this cartoon is insulting to me too. All of it states that Obama is Muslim, which he isn't. That was a lie that has been spread arround for a long time. I thought it was over. Sharing cartoons that lie and depict our next president as being Muslim is naieve and stupid. Obama will be the next president. You, can lick my balls.

  • Greensleeves

    I don't really mean anything except that I would enjoy Snowbird licking my nut sack.

  • nameless_one


    Note to self: Avoid stirring the wrath of Greensleeves.

  • snowbird

    Greensleeves, if I'm a bitch, then you're a bitch meister.

    First of all, I also intend to vote for Obama; second of all, I don't buy into his being a Savior or any such nonsense.

    That particular editorial cartoon just caught my eye because of its ridiculous premise.

    You should have done a little research before you began your stupid tirade. If you had, you would have found out that I'm African-American, that I try hard not to make judgment calls, and that I believe in freedom of expression for everyone - including sick little boys such as yourself!


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