Let's keep Troubled Mind in mind ...

by compound complex 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    I hope TM doesn't mind that I repost her morning's entry from YOUR DAILY JOURNAL. You might have missed what's brewing out in Illinois - a tempest!


    Rude awaking this morning .....6am my phone is ringing i run down the stairs to answer it (not my favorite thing to do half awake ) . My husband is on the line callling from work 20 miles away . He says to get prepared a bad storm is heading my way .He said the storm just hit where he is and the sky was green ,sirens were going off, the power was out,and the winds were up to 70 miles an hour ......then the phone went dead .

    So I run outside and move my car out from under the huge old tree next to our driveway .Just as I did the rain and lightening began . I went in the house woke my son up and said to come downstairs because this storm was going to be bad . We don't have a basement . We watched as 70 mile an hour gusts blew down our street , lightening struck in the backyard , we could hear limbs snapping in the neighborhood . The TV stations are all out , but we still have power . I turned on my husband's scanner and heard limbs and power lines are down all around town , several calls to homes with damage , a grain bin collapsed blocking a major road near us . The electric company and fire department are all out in force . One house has a ruptured gas line another business has a propane tank leaking after it was damaged by a falling tree .

    Thankfully we only have limbs down in our yard . The small town 10 miles down the road from us is now reporting damage .

    My husband just called back on his cell phone he said the Plant is still out of power and no phones ,several guys have called in reporting property damage and roads blocked.

    What a way to wake up to the morning !!

  • snowbird

    Duly noted.


  • *summer*

    Thinking of you and yours TM...and all those affected by this terrible storm:-(

  • calico

    Has anyone heard from her? We had storms Saturday night--but not that severe!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    calico - no response here yet from TM. You take care yourself!


  • calico

    Thanks! We're fine-just a few things blown over.

  • free2think

    TM and fam i hope your all ok.

  • MsMcDucket

    Hello! I haven't heard from you in a minute! What a way to get back in touch! I'm glad to hear that your family is okay. Is your house okay?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    bttt - thanks friends.


  • changeling


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