Sisters who dared to take the lead...

by zeroday 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    It's all very sick isn't it?


  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Well I’m shocked….What was the point in god making women inferior if they are then going to try to take over the mans superior roll. This sister should have known her place. Disgraceful…..(shakes head and exhales loudly)

  • blondie

    I always had a scarf in my bag. 5 days out of 7 there would not be a man out so we even had one in the library at the KH. I'm glad that I never had any male jw under 16 in the congregation. Actually it was theoretically easier for a brother to make car assignments, pair people off. Not that the sisters didn't rearrange things outside in the parking lot. I went out with brothers in the field circus that recognized their limitations and let the sisters run things. Now that was a smart man.

  • NewYork44M
    we arrived at our street and the head sister pioneer turned to everyone and said, "OK you 2 start at this end, you 2 start on the other side and work this way and me and bro (myself) will start here...

    There is a practical reason why brothers should lead in these situations. The brother can use his penis as a pointer. Other than that this practical aspect I nevever understood what was so great about a man leading.

  • AudeSapere
    Seriously?! I know the truth (heh heh) is usually stranger than fiction, but was that for real?!

    Sure enough! I've seen it plenty of times. One in particular comes to mind: Josi@hH@rper. He was very young and took his responsibility very seriously.

    Also, I remember many times that clean diapers were used as headcoverings. It was a tough call between a clean diaper or a wrinkled tissue. It actually made a mockery of the whole headship principle - and we all knew it. But what's a lowly woman to do? Talks were given to use *appropriate* headcovering. But if none were available, what then???


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