UN again but just questions to ponder.

by yknot 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot

    Well Rick's video on Venus got me thinking about our favorite wannabe international heavy......the UN.

    We all know the lame half assed excuse that Ciro released regarding the library card....

    How long after Ted is permanently infirmed or dead until the hand picked younguns' decide to quietly ditch the UN doctrine?

    Do you think the UN would take them back?

  • zeroday

    The UN doctrine is as important as the 1914 doctrine I can not see them ever ditching it...

  • IronClaw

    I think they already ditched it. I recall a watchtower article that stated the disgusting thing has not arrived yet. Blondie would know. I think she posted something on it.

  • IronClaw

    I think they already ditched it. I recall a watchtower article that stated the disgusting thing has not arrived yet. Blondie would know. I think she posted something on it.

  • treadnh2o

    No way that can ditch that one. There is really no reason to.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Some what highlights the ignorance and the insanity of this organization doesn't it !

    It was stuff like this that made me walk away from the Borg quickly

  • happy2bfree

    The Watchtower governing body labels the UNO, the "disgusting thing that causes desolation", "the wild beast" WT Jan 15, 77. p 44. . Nevertheless they attached themselves to the UN in association with the DPI as an NGO.

    For 10 years they accepted and endorsed the general objectives and principles of the UN; they committed themselves to publish UN propaganda in their magazines. However should their followers link with an organization such as YMCA, they can expect the most severe punishment, even be disfellowshiped, and be cut off from their families and life long friends. They would be shunned for the rest of their lives.

    This was very hypocritical; scandalous. They were hiding their UN affiliation from the RF for 10 years.


  • beerose

    Watchtower govering body can now say, they took part in fulfilling the prophecy of the disgusting thing standing in the holy place!Being associated with the UN for 10 years,they are closer than they think ! I say 2024 maybe?

  • IP_SEC

    They dont need to ditch it. All they have to do is not print about it anymore. Old folk will forget about it. New folk will never know the difference.

  • heathen

    They just simply put a gag order out . Everybody clams up , they won't even bother to write an article explaining anything in the mags .I did talk to some jw's and they did say it was back to the old belief that the UN was the scarlet beast .I think they totally screwed up by making man made government the superior authority after saying the appointed times of the nations had concluded and the kingdom was now in power . They stated in allot of publications that the worlds political powers are controlled by satan so they in effect made satan ruler over God even .Unbelievable ..............

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